Laid out in 10 blogs is the celestial guides translation for your understanding that was channeled through me for the Earth book ‘A Journey through Creation’. It is important on your trance journey to understand these layers of energy and existence (dimensions) and that your celestial guides live in them, travel through them and use them to communicate by.
- The fifth dimension, often referred to as the love dimension, is where all celestial beings begin to encounter the consciousness of unconditional love. This profound state of being is embodied by the light being known as Pink Ray. Pink Ray’s primary purpose is to disseminate the energy of love throughout the Milky Way galaxy, with a special focus on assisting Earth’s human inhabitants in cultivating self-awareness and fostering an open-hearted spirit of generosity through the guidance of unconditional love.
- Some Earth humans from the science concept see the 5D as a conceptual stage, unobservable micro dimension of space. But it is like the fourth dimension, the fifth dimension represents a realm beyond your current state of human consciousness. It is a space where the limitations of your minds and bodies can be transcended, allowing for a harmonious fusion of your physical form with the ethereal essence energy. This paves the way for a complete multi-dimensional transcendence, where humanity can progress beyond the fifth dimension and evolve to freely traverse the universe, learning to start shedding their physical form at will and reclaiming it when desired. The fifth dimension serves as a significant milestone on this transformative journey.
- When celestial beings in physical form ascend to the fifth dimension, they enter a state of super consciousness connected to the quantum domains pure creative intelligence, a higher level of awareness. In this state, you will be free from thoughts and emotions that weigh you down or hold you back. You will simply exist, fully present and conscious. You will have the ability to perceive and understand everything that defines the fifth dimension as a pure space of reality.
- The concept of time, as understood in our third dimension reality, will no longer dictate the actions of humanity.
- Elevated star children and light worker channelers are on Earth to help humanity ascend. When they access this 5D energy, they experience mental clarity. Light worker channelers can experience a sense of detachment from the 3D reality while delivering messages to the recipient, fully aware of the past over human essence. The more a light worker communicator operates within this 4D and 5D energy, the more they ascend as both physical and ethereal beings, growing stronger and more enlightened.
- New knowledge is constantly being discovered in the fields of science and spirituality, allowing Earth humans to gain a deeper understanding of the universe. By merging these two extremes, you can elevate your understanding and ultimately aid in the evolution of humanity to the fifth dimension.
- 5D physical beings participating in the incarnation program, such as Earth humans, individuals begin to transcend the need for an incarnated soul and higher self. This evolution occurs as they become capable of undergoing the ascension process necessary for progression. Guidance during this transformative journey is provided by the Intergalactic Council, as 5D celestial beings can participate in these councils.