A journey through dimensions – ninth dimension (9D)

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Laid out in 10 blogs is the celestial guides translation for your understanding that was channeled through me for the Earth book A Journey through Creation’. It is important on your trance journey to understand these layers of energy and existence (dimensions) and that your celestial guides live in them, travel through them and use them to communicate by.

  • The overseer of the ninth dimension level (9D) is light being Astral Blue Ray – the consciousness of manifestation. This light being’s purpose is to manifest the energy needed for, example, to oversee the incarnated souls, from selection until they return home to source. It also oversees the communication between the physical body, ethereal body, physical planet, and the celestial cosmos matrix. This is to ensure the psychic, intuitive gifts of telepathic and outer body teleportation can create the required reality between the celestial being and the quantum domain source, home planet or realm, their star system and the galaxy.
  • Telepathic communication is enhanced with the ability for collective communication with groups of celestial beings. This does not involve reading each other’s thoughts, but rather interpreting diverse language foundations and comprehending each other without intrusion. A 9D energy pattern is created to facilitate this form of communication. Many species in 9D have long distant mind links and can help facilitate other beings to communicate long distant.
  • 9D celestial beings can telepathically tune into the quantum domains creative intelligence for portal travel with the intention of their desired destination, and it will indicate whether a portal already exists for them to access. If not, the creative intelligence will determine if a new portal can be safely created and will document this information for future travelers. As celestial beings ascend through the dimensional layers of the universe, the ability to travel longer distances through multi-dimensional means becomes possible. When utilising these portals, individuals do not physically transport their solid form. Instead, they transmute into ethereal energy light beings held in suspension and then reform into physical beings upon reaching their destination. This process allows for safe and efficient travel across vast distances within the universe.
  • Some celestial 9D species can seamlessly blend in with Earth’s humanity by using telepathic mind control to appear humanoid to the population. This level of mind control allows them to walk among Earth humans undetected, showcasing their incredible abilities to adapt and integrate into different societies. They only do this if they are needed to aid the ascension of that civilisation for the greater good of all.
  • Some celestial 9D species have the remarkable ability to take on physical forms at levels up to 9D physical existence and manipulate their transition into the civilisation they are assimilating with.
  • In the 9D existence, not all structures on 9D planets are permanent; they are manifested as needed.
  • In 9D many celestial forms undergo a transformation, causing them to rely more on quantum energy sources for sustenance. This shift occurs as their physical form transcends into a more ethereal light source of being. Every cell in their body undergoes alterations during this evolutionary process, changing the need for food and liquid in take to stay alive.