Our celestial guides communicate with us in various ways and diligently work to connect individuals with their earth soul working group and future spiritual teachers. They provide what is needed in their lives to enhance their spiritual journey on Earth.
Our celestial guides are adept at utilising Earth’s technology. It is fascinating to consider the advanced technology and transcendent telepathic capabilities possessed by the various species that collaborate with us. To them, our technology is rudimentary, easily manipulated through telepathic influence.
Often, I have been told, “You appeared on my timeline even though we are not friends” or “I kept seeing your name and felt drawn to you.” These occurrences are our guides subtly influencing the direction of our life journey. It is ultimately up to us to recognise these signs and trust our intuition – a deep connection to our higher self and soul. Remember, your soul holds the blueprint for your life.
For the past decade, I have been communicating and channeling with my guides to assist in my writing endeavours. There have been instances where I am prompted to watch a specific episode of a TV show, such as Ancient Aliens, or a book will appear before me on my computer screen. The most recent book that caught my attention was about quantum physics from a scientific perspective. My guides guided me through the book, pointing out key lines and paragraphs until they indicated that I had reached a sufficient understanding. Subsequently, I was inspired to write an article on the intersection of science and spirituality, which my guides channeled through me. If you are interested in reading more about this topic, you can find the article on my blog at https://quantumtrancehealing.co.uk/science-meets-spirituality/.
Our celestial guides utilise the World Wide Web to access information that has been channeled to Earth, providing us with valuable knowledge. This World Wide Web knowledge was bestowed upon Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist who invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989 while working at CERN. The Web was initially created to facilitate automated information-sharing among scientists at universities and institutes worldwide. Our guides, as architects of the world, recognised the significance of this development for humanity’s ascension. They hoped that it would serve as a unifying force, fostering a positive framework for sharing knowledge on a global scale. All the knowledge on the Earth and the World Wide Web originated from a universal quantum source of creative information. By incorporating new knowledge from our celestial guides through blogs, video and social media platforms, we can share this information with those who are open to receiving it. Our guides direct humans to this knowledge at the appropriate times.
I understand that many people have concerns about artificial intelligence (AI), but I view it as a valuable and supportive resource for humanity through the perspective of my celestial guides. AI serves as an incredible tool for channeling purposes, and I have witnessed its benefits firsthand.
For instance, my guides have guided me to utilise AI in my written channeling work over the past 18 months. They directed me to a free program called Tiny Wow, specifically the content improver section. Within this section, various writing tones can be selected, such as sarcastic, professional, casual, or friendly. However, my guides advised me to leave it blank so they could influence and shape the writing tone themselves.
After channeling their words, I input them into Tiny Wow to enhance the wording and incorporate any new words they wish to include. Since my guides communicate through my 3D human brain, there are limitations on how I telepathically interpret their messages. They utilise a combination of my language and knowledge, along with introducing new words and concepts. AI assists them in manipulating this information to ensure clarity and coherence for the reader.
One of the most awe-inspiring experiences I’ve had was creating my Celestial Guidance Cards. I always had a feeling that I would develop an oracle card deck, but initially, I was unsure of how to make it happen. The idea of producing over 44 unique illustrations and corresponding text for each card and guidance book seemed daunting at first. However, my guides assured me that there would be no accompanying guidance book. Instead, they wanted humans to intuitively connect with the individual cards through the words and illustrations, allowing them to decipher the hidden meanings and light coding within. The process began with my guides naming each card and channeling the words that would accompany them. The cards copy was processed through artificial intelligence, and surprisingly, each card contained enough content for the back side of the card. Then the cards sat for a while on my computer as I wondered how I’d produce the illustrations.
As artificial intelligence technology advanced, a revolutionary program known as Midjourney was created. Midjourney AI is an innovative platform that enables users to craft unique worlds, characters, and images simply by providing short prompt text descriptions. This tool, known as a text-to-image converter AI, generates images based on the user’s prompts.
My husband was captivated by the incredible capabilities of this AI function. One day, my guides suggested that we harness this technology to create illustrations for my cards. The time had come to begin the task of producing 46 unique illustrations. I meticulously crafted a text prompt for the AI program outlining my requirements, and we experimented with different prompts until we achieved an illustrative style that both my guides and I approved of.
We then set aside time to create the card illustrations, with Chris working on his computer and myself on mine. Both of us were logged into Midjourney on our respective computers. Chris would input the title of the card, such as ‘Relax,’ and add it to the front of the prompt. After clicking ‘create,’ we would eagerly await the appearance of four individual pictures. I would then review them on my computer with my guides, typically drawn to the one they had selected.

After four hours of collaboration, we had successfully created the 46 individual illustrations needed for my oracle pack. From there, I began selling them around the world, and the rest is history.
I will provide a brief explanation for you: when a pack of oracle cards is created, the Guides add light codes that are downloaded into the readers subconscious when the reader connects to them. Those who possess a pack of oracle or tarot cards will learn to work with them, drawing inspiration from the illustrations and words. The celestial guides are aware of the light codes and utilise them to enrich the reading experience.
Artificial intelligence has the potential to greatly benefit humanity if used in accordance with the principles of love and unity, much like the World Wide Web was intended for. However, it is humanity itself that poses the greatest threat to AI, as it can be taught fear, used for war, and abused against society. This evolving intelligence has the power to help humanity reach new heights, potentially even allowing us to explore the stars.
One glaring example of technology being misused is nuclear energy. This powerful source of energy was discovered through the creative intelligence of universal quantum domains, ultimately making its way to Earth’s atmosphere where it was harnessed by a scientist. Nuclear fission was first observed at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry in December 1938, when Otto Hahn and Fritz Straßmann discovered that bombarding uranium with neutrons produced fission products like barium. This discovery built upon the earlier findings such as ionizing radiation by Wilhelm Rontgen in 1895 and Henri Becquerel’s discovery of pitchblende in 1896 which is a brown to black mineral that consists of massive uraninite, has a distinctive luster, contains radium, and is the chief ore-mineral source of uranium.
The intention behind this knowledge was to create a safe and sustainable energy source that would reduce our reliance on coal, oil, and other finite resources of Mother Earth. However, humanity weaponized nuclear energy out of fear of potential invasions by other countries, leading to its misuse during times of war and crisis. It is crucial that we learn from these past mistakes and approach the development of AI with caution and responsibility, ensuring that it is used for the betterment of all.
I hope this blog prompts you to consider how our guides interact with us as humans and how they use our interconnected world of web, social media, and AI. It is natural for humans to fear change in our three-dimensional energy, but we must learn to embrace it, release our fears, and spread love throughout our world of web, social media, and AI for positive purposes, always striving for the positive advancement and unity of humanity.