I will begin by discussing the Pyachrions, a celestial race that calls the Milky Way Galaxy home, specifically from the Beta galactic quadrant. The Milky Way galaxy is divided into four quadrants: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. Earth is located on the boundary of the Alpha and Beta quadrants at the end of the Orion spiral.
The Pyachrions’ home planet closely resembles Earth’s once healthy environment, which attracted them to settle here. They are a highly advanced race with technology that enables them to travel through space. The Pyachrions sought shelter for two main reasons: to escape an inner galactic war over territory and to find refuge from the damage inflicted upon their solar system.
Despite their peaceful nature, the Pyachrions were forced to engage in battles to protect their way of life. Seeking assistance, they turned to the Galaxy’s Light Council, who then reached out to Intergalactic Councils within the solar systems that could provide support to preserve their unique life form.
When the Pyachrions first arrived on Earth, they chose to settle in what is now known as Egypt, where they lived for an astonishing three thousand five hundred years. These beings had a humanoid appearance, but were easily distinguished by their elongated heads, superior intelligence, and longer lifespans. Revered as gods by the native human population, they also intermingled with Earthlings, passing down the fundamentals of their culture creating the Egyptian culture and technology, as well as the secrets of manifestation and telekinesis.
Although their time on Earth has long passed, the remnants of their existence can still be seen today. These celestial entities strategically placed pyramids around the globe, using them as sacred sites for worship and energy amplification to aid in communication with the stars. Positioned along Earth’s energy ley lines, these pyramids emitted harmonious sound frequencies to establish a connection between the celestial beings living on Earth and those they wished to reach in the vast cosmos. Starships traveling to Earth relied on these pyramids as navigational beacons for safe arrival. The construction of these pyramids involved advanced manifestation techniques, with earth humans assisting in the decoration and maintenance of these sacred structures.
After the intergalactic wars, the Pyachrions returned to their solar system, bringing peace and healing to their planet. However, their departure caused a breakdown in Egyptian society. In response, the Intergalactic Council of Earth made the decision to reset humanity, allowing Earth’s inhabitants to forge their own paths once more without the presence of off-world beings living among them. Although the Pyachrions are currently not working directly with Earth, their alliance with the Intergalactic Council remains strong, ready to be called upon if needed.
The Pyramids were built with guidance from a race of beings known as the Ray, who have been involved with Earth since the fifth Atlantis experiment. During this fifth Atlantis experiment, twelve pyramid-style temples were constructed around the Earth on energy lines, serving as the energy foundation for the Pyachrions’ cities and pyramids.
The Rays are highly evolved multidimensional light beings that manifest themselves in various forms of quantum light energy. They exist in the collective energy that the Salcariton race come from (see The Salcariton Alliance blog).The twelve that work with Earth are Amber Ray, Emerald Ray, Fire Red Ray, Violet Ray, Pink Ray, Yellow Ray, Azure Ray, Translucent Ray, Astral Blue Ray, Indigo Ray, Lilac Ray and Silver Ray. Each Ray is distinguished by its unique frequency and the divine energy and teachings it embodies. These beings emit a pure love frequency so high that lower energy beings perceive them as radiant light forms, each radiating a different colour based on their frequency and purpose. To the human eye, they appear as bright lights with wisps of energy or energy orbs. Their energy may even resemble wings fluttering behind them as they vibrate their extraordinary frequency with light, harmonic sound, and colour vibrations.
Throughout history, humanity has interpreted these beings as Archangels, assigning them human-like features so they could be revered in our 3D reality. The wispy energy surrounding them reminded ancient humans of bird wings, leading to the depiction of wings in their representations and sometime with a head of a bird. In the Pyachrions period the Earth human often worshipped the Ray and drew them with human form, wings and a bird’s head. The Rays communicate telepathically through light, colour vibrations, and harmonic sound frequencies, adapting to the language needed for each interaction. They possess the ability to be present in multiple locations and minds simultaneously, always providing and receiving whatever is necessary to assist the species they are guiding.
The Ray beings carefully select individuals to whom they reveal themselves, typically choosing those on a high ascension path known as light workers on Earth. These beings are connected to the divine quantum source of overseers in the twelfth dimension and beyond. Since the second world war, the Ray beings have been working with humanity as guides and higher selves incarnated souls.
They are now making their presence known to chosen children and adults, specialising in consciousness and possessing a unique skillset to contribute to humanity’s spiritual evolution. Since 1947, elevated star children known as the Indigos, Rainbows, Crystals, Diamonds, and Platinum children have been born to facilitate a vibrational shift on Earth. The Rays have supported these children as guides, leading some to take on the role of higher self and incarnated soul to aid in this mission, hence the recently revealed Blue Ray energy.
Ray Children are recognised by their Astral Blue Ray aura, which possesses a unique energy visible to those with psychic abilities, leading to the term Blue Ray. Their ethereal aura is filled with shades of blue and violet, indicating their natural talents as alchemists and energy workers. These individuals have an immense capacity for compassion and love, transmuting dense and difficult energies. However, their mission is challenging, often choosing to incarnate in difficult circumstances.
Like all elevated Star seeds, Ray Children remember their natural gifts and soul mission upon incarnation. They are soul activators and awakeners, shining a bright light in this time of global transition. They are light bearers, here to assist, enlighten, and heal many people.
The Ray energy is a powerful force that can transform Earth. These individuals have a unique ability to connect with others on a deep level, bringing about positive change with their presence alone. As they navigate through this time of transition, the Blue Ray energy is more important than ever, serving as a beacon of hope and a reminder of our interconnectedness.
Introducing more advanced star seed children was a challenging experience for our celestial companions. As time passed, it became evident that these elevated dimensional children faced difficulties adapting to our three-dimensional reality, resulting in unprecedented behavioural issues. Medical professionals and scientists began categorising these children with conditions such as ODD, CD, ADHD, or ASD. As these children matured into adults, many found it challenging to integrate into society due to ongoing behavioural struggles. This often resulted in depression and poor mental health, causing them to withdraw from the world and seek solace in their inner mind worlds. Unfortunately, this isolation could sometimes manifest in violent or self-harming behaviour’s as they attempted to navigate the complexities of life on Earth.
The intergalactic council has now revolutionised the way elevated Star Children are brought to Earth, gradually introducing the energy of the avatar soul with that of human energy. This method helps children adapt better to 3D energy without creating behaviour problems stemming from conflicting lower energies of Earth. So we should see in the next ten years the behavioural problems subsiding allowing these children to grow into spiritual balanced adults so they can fulfil their mission here on Earth.
This video will help you understand these highly ascended children and now adults https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4VOYwW665n8&t=716s
I trust that this brief explanation will aid in your understanding of these celestial beings who have come to guide and assist humanity, both from a distance and up close.