Laid out in 10 blogs is the celestial guides translation for your understanding that was channeled through me for the Earth book ‘A Journey through Creation’. It is important on your trance journey to understand these layers of energy and existence (dimensions) and that your celestial guides live in them, travel through them and use them to communicate by.
- In Earth’s third dimension (3D), we encounter the celestial being known as Fire Red Ray, who oversees this dimension. Fire Red Ray plays a vital role in nurturing the warrior of sacred courage, fostering inner peace, and existing within the multi-dimensional layers of the galaxy’s planets, including Earth.
- Humans are 3D celestial beings and struggling in our modern times to understand their universe. The revelation of quantum particles, with their mind-boggling properties, served as a catalyst for scientists to question the very fabric of reality.
- Simultaneously, those in the 3D reality embarking on a spiritual quest find themselves grappling with the profound mysteries of existence. Seeking to decipher the spiritual language that resonates within you all, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment. Through introspection and contemplation, they strive to unlock the secrets of the human essence, forging a deeper connection with themselves and the world around them.
- Earth humans have celestial guides and a higher self soul connection.
- The ethereal body also known as the quantum body, is a concept that encompasses the energy field responsible for holding the physical form together in the 3D reality.
- Earth humans are aware of their five senses, but there exists a sixth sense, an inner knowing that eludes visual perception. This connection originates from a higher self level of the soul higher self connection, intricately linked to human sub-consciousness. When nurtured, this connection allows us to tap into the higher dimensions and our quantum body and access the creative intelligence of the universe. In the Earth realm third dimension existence, such contemplation rarely occupies our day-to-day thoughts. Instead, you can find yourself engrossed in the task of constructing your own third dimension reality, a process that can overwhelm many, leading to physical and mental ailments.
- In the 3D levels Earth humans can learn to self-heal. A well-functioning human body possesses a clear and uninterrupted flow of energy from the universal quantum domain source. When a human being falls ill, it is not the fault of the universal quantum domain, but rather a result of the human individual’s own actions. Living in a challenging reality often leads to stress and anxiety, which accumulate as heavy energy within the body, subsequently obstructing the natural flow of life-giving energy from creation.
- Earth humans’ perception of reality is limited to our busy daily connections we make in our third dimension world. However, when we take a moment to still our minds, the vibrations within our bodies undergo a positive transformation. This allows our physical body and mind to elevate to a higher level of fourth to fifth dimension energy, enabling you to connect with your ethereal form and the quantum energies that created you. The convergence of human science and spirituality is ushering in a new ‘Quantum Era’ of human evolution on Earth. As human science and spirituality converge, maintaining a state of calmness becomes crucial to allow the quantum creative intelligence to operate effectively.
- Earth humans find solace within the safety of their 3D cocoon, believing that they have a firm grasp on their identity and reality. But at their soul level, sub-conscious and DNA is questions that need to be answered. They need to discover who they truly are, but the world in which they reside is fraught with numerous of threats. It is through the path of ascension and evolution that they will unravel the depths of their true self and manifest a reality that humanity has long yearned for – a reality that is secure and nurturing.
- Earth is a diverse world of unique cultures from nomad amazon tribes to city dwellers and many religions and belief systems. There is love, compassion kindness, fear, hate and self-doubt. Most of the Earth cultures are run around money and materialistic values, this sadly stops the environmental green energy that is needed to help save the Mother Earth. The main thing is humanity is not learning from past mistakes and only when they do this can they ascend.