Laid out in 10 blogs is the celestial guides translation for your understanding that was channeled through me for the Earth book ‘A Journey through Creation’. It is important on your trance journey to understand these layers of energy and existence (dimensions) and that your celestial guides live in them, travel through them and use them to communicate by.
- In the second dimension level of existence on Earth, we encounter the consciousness of elemental vibration embodied by the light being known as Emerald Ray. This powerful being serves as a healer for organic physical life.
- The first and second dimensions produce the atmosphere of air and Earth elements in which organic plant life can thrive which helps sustain human life.
- In the 2D realm of existence on Earth, we encounter the consciousness of elemental vibration. Elemental beings exist in metaphysical level and help to look after 1D and 2D levels.
- Earth is home to a vast array of biodiversity in its flora and fauna. The planet boasts an incredible diversity of insects, mammals, and aquatic species that can communicate with each other through vibrational language and bio-chemical signals.
- Trees and plants are intelligent and communicate through its intricate root system and vibration – For instance, roots can detect drought conditions and signal the leaves to limit transpiration, thereby conserving water. Plants possess their own unique language, combining frequency, vibration, and chemicals to create a complex communication system for pollination and protection.
- The plants and oceans on Earth are the lungs of the Planet.