Dimension is a word given to humanity by our celestial guides to help us understand the layers of energy of existence in the universe. The dimensions I explain to you are linked to the universal quantum domain creative energy of intelligence. Laid out in 10 blogs is the celestial guides translation for your understanding that was channeled through me for the Earth book ‘A Journey through Creation’. It is important on your trance journey to understand these layers of energy and existence (dimensions) and that your celestial guides live in them, travel through them and use them to communicate by.
I have heard some say there is not any dimensions, but there are many forms of existence and we all need to try to understand this in our language and 3D reality. Imagine a sack that had 12 various layers of objects from Earth, at the bottom is a layer of rocks presenting the first dimension, the heaviest energy layer. Then the last layer twelfth dimension at the top of the sack is light feathers presenting the lightest purist energy layer of existence. If you throw the rocks into water they sink and the feathers float – get the picture.
I want you to remember that Earth humans are celestial beings, but we are running on a lower frequency in the 3D energies. I believe that if you have a deeper understanding of these energies it helps with your spiritual development. I know it has helped with my trance journey and understand my various celestial guides. Each dimension energy layer is over seen by a celestial guardian. The celestial guardians of the dimensions are known as ‘The Twelve’ and have been connected with Earth since the first Atlantis experiment for over three hundred thousand years. You can read about these in my channeled book ‘The light within Atlantis’.
The dimensions are from my guides studies with Earth and other celestial bodies explained in a simple 3D human language for our understanding at a spiritual level.
First Dimension (1D)
- Amber Ray is the guardian of the first dimension. This luminous being holds the responsibility of maintaining the energy balance on Earth and is intricately linked to the human Earth chakra and meridian points, which serves as your grounding connection to our home planet.
- Intricate layers of physical matter of planets are known as the first dimension (1D).
- Consciousness of physical matter creates the physical planets.
- Rock matter exhibits a response to sound and emits a subtle, low-level acoustic vibration reaction, suggesting a rudimentary form of intelligence.
- Chemical bonds continuously form and interact with one another, each responding at distinct frequencies to create the diverse array of rocks, crystals, and minerals.
- Rocks are made up of various compositions, then if another element was added it will adapt to it and evolve which shows intelligence. Rocks and crystals can retain a memory in energy form.
- This vibration, known as the first dimension level, connects with the energies of the second dimension (2D) and third dimension (3D) that exist above and within it.
- Within our planets 1D layers, you can uncover the remnants of ice ages, cataclysmic meteorite events, celestial phenomena, and the footprints of celestial being occupation. These imprints, etched over millennia’s, are imprinted within the very fabric of 1D existence, evident in the crystal layers and rock formations on the Earth planet.
- Earth’s water is part of the first dimension and supports various forms of life in the 2D and 3D dimensions.
- 1D showed a basic intelligence that 1D and 2D dimensions work together to support each other giving of invisible signals from inter-reacting with the quantum domains creative intelligence source.