Ancient light triggers and new knowledge through trance

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Recently I have had some incredible trance sessions with both my trance groups and my own guide, Mary. The profound knowledge being shared during these sessions is awakening deep triggers within individuals’ ethereal selves and activating ancient markers of knowledge within the human DNA. Additionally, the use of light language by one of my trance group members has brought about healing and further activation of light codes.

My trance Mary shared with us recently that we often feel we have one guide at a time who connects with us to communicate. Our human curiosity in the physical world leads us to wonder about the identity and appearance of these guides. The way in which our celestial guides reveal themselves to us depends on our unique level of spiritual ascension and the journey of spiritual development that is meant for us.

She explained that at times, a group of celestial guides come together to form a unified energy and transmit their message telepathically through the Trance State of Being (TSB). This collective may consist of say five members from a single race or a mix of celestial races. These beings are highly ascended, existing in multiple dimensions as either physical or light celestial beings.

For example, beings from Mary’s race, the Salitorians, frequently work in groups of five with humans. This collaboration allows them to harmonise their energies and knowledge, facilitating telepathic communication and any necessary physical manifestations.

Many lightworkers are now openly discussing groups of celestial guides such as ‘The Nine’, ‘The Twelve’, and ‘The Seven’. These celestial beings are beginning to unveil the methods by which they collaborate with us. For instance, there are Twelve celestial beings who have been actively involved in shaping Earth since the era of the Atlantis experiments. They continue to play a crucial role as the architects of Earth’s ascension plan. They will communicate through elevated light workers through channeling and TSB.

If you are a leader of trance and run groups its time to start asking your students guides who they are and how they work with us. We need to cultivate a deeper understanding of their purpose for us as individuals and humanity. The level of communication and ascension knowledge will vary. This is because the student’s depth of blending and trust is at different levels and the celestial guides themselves may vary in their level of knowledge – remember they are also individuals learning. So it is advisable to set the intention of clear knowledge from a celestial guide and sitter that can bring this forward.

An intriguing activity to try with a group of students at varying levels of trance development is to pose a single question. This question is presented individually to each participant while in trance while the rest of the group observes. Through this exercise, you will notice that individuals in lighter trance states tend to provide simpler answers, whereas those with more experience in trance will offer deeper insights. It is fascinating to observe how the responses and wisdom shared by our celestial guides can differ, as they possess their own unique perspectives on the universe.

I will leave you to reflect on this and with reference to Atlantis if you seek further knowledge, please read my book on ‘The light within Atlantis’.