How does meditation assist in achieving a Trance State of Being (TSB) connection?

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Meditation is a powerful practice that can have a transformative impact on your mental clarity, emotional stability, and overall connection with yourself and the world around you. By quieting your mind and observing your thoughts without judgment, you can cultivate inner peace and gain valuable insights into the complexities of your mind.

There are various methods to achieve this state of mindfulness, such as listening to soothing music or following a guided meditation led by a skilled practitioner. Through regular meditation, you can open yourself up to higher light energies of the universe and connect with the pure universal quantum domain creative intelligence energy.

The practice of meditation can help you reach a state of mind that serves as a gateway to training your conscious mind to relax and be open to receiving telepathic communication from your celestial guides. This state of being acts as a communication portal to realms beyond our earthly existence. To enter a trance state and access this celestial connection, it is crucial to trust and allow your conscious mind to let go of control, allowing your subconscious mind to become more receptive to the telepathic link with your guides. However, the constant chatter of the Monkey mind can make achieving this challenging, requiring dedicated training of the brain through meditation.

In my personal experience meditation has been my doorway to enhancing my book channelling and trance skills. I have found that setting intentions during meditation can be incredibly beneficial. Whether it is for healing or for strengthening my connection with my trance guides, I have found that meditation allows me to align my energy with theirs.

Furthermore, my guides often communicate with me through visual journeys during meditation. This has been particularly helpful in channelling information for the books I have channelled. By allowing myself to enter a meditative state, I am able to receive guidance and inspiration from my celestial guides in a way that is both profound and enlightening. I also use meditations when teaching to help aid the students’ celestial guides to communicate with them or help a tune their energies.