I pondered how our celestial guides cope with working with Earths humanity?

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Throughout my years of spiritual work, I have discovered the amazing ways in which our celestial guides can heal us and communicate with us. This communication and healing can manifest in various forms such as spiritual holistic healing, readings, and even in our day-to-day lives. It’s mind-blowing to think that so many people are unaware of this incredible phenomenon that is right at our fingertips.

One thing I know for sure is that our celestial friends are tough cookies and have a great sense of humour, which they definitely need when dealing with us 3D humans. I can’t help but chuckle when they say, “It’s like we’re banging our heads against a brick wall with humanity.” The perfect example of this is when a human asks for help and a sign, and then completely misses the signs that are right in front of them in their 3D reality. These signs can come in many forms, and I recommend checking out my book, ‘The Magic of Spirit,’ for guidance on how to recognise them.

n order for us, as humans in the 3D reality, to receive assistance from our celestial allies and interpret their signals, we must explore spirituality and deepen our self-awareness. This connection does not manifest effortlessly; it requires dedication. By learning to heal ourselves and tapping into our innate empathic and telepathic abilities, we can unlock the potential for profound growth and understanding.

This leads me to ponder: How do our celestial guides manage working with humanity on Earth? How do they cope when confronted with the lower 3D energies of fear, self-doubt, hate, jealousy, and ego, while also embodying love and compassion? It’s intriguing to consider the challenges they face in maintaining their higher vibrations amidst the negativity that exists on our planet.

As I was reflecting on this, Sam, one of my Pleiadean guides, humorously remarked, “We suit up in 12-inch thick steel armour and trudge through the dense energies that feel like a tidal wave of mud.” This analogy resonates with me in my own work, where in the past I often would feel like I am swimming against a heavy tide. However, it also raises a serious question: How do these celestial beings truly protect themselves from the overwhelming energies they encounter?

I am curious to learn more about the strategies and techniques that celestial guides like Sam employ to shield themselves from the detrimental effects of Earth’s lower vibrations. It is a fascinating topic that sheds light on the resilience and strength of these beings as they navigate the complexities of working with humanity.

Sam began by exploring the Physical Celestial Guides that work alongside us, such as the Pleiadeans, Lemurians, and Arcturians. These beings reside on a physically ascended planet within dimensions seventh to ninth, possessing remarkable telepathic abilities that allow them to transcend the universe in both physical and light forms. By shedding the heavy 3D energies of Earth, they continue to exist in a state of pure, lighter energy.

Their primary method of protection involves a telepathic approach, utilising their advanced logical and analytical minds to create a mental barrier that shields their emotions from our 3D existence. This mental barrier extends to their physical bodies, ensuring continuous healing through their advanced positive thought processes. Their empathic and deep-set ways, combined with their logical approach, complement each other when interacting with humanity.

Sam explained that frustration is a concept that the ascended guides have consciously removed from their energies. The guides are committed to a continuous process of experimentation, analysis, and adaptation when working with us, viewing it as a journey of learning that contributes to humanity’s ascension. They firmly believe that frustration is counterproductive as it disrupts their energies. Instead, they opt to transcend it, always striving to find hope even in the most difficult circumstances on Earth. Sam stressed the significance of incorporating regular meditation and personal growth practices to enhance their work with Earth.

Sam then proceeded to discuss the light ethereal beings known as the Salatorians, from whom my trance guides John and Mary originate. These beings exist in a state of light consciousness and do not possess physical forms unless it is necessary for them to manifest in such a way for the betterment of others. Despite the limitations of Earth’s 3D reality, the telepathic abilities of these celestial beings allow them to effectively communicate with humanity. They convey their messages with a sense of self-preservation and detachment, yet their love and healing energy always shines through to those who are receptive to it.

Reading these simple explanations makes me realise how much further we, as Earth humans, have to ascend. However, we have an incredible resource at our disposal – our celestial guides. We can all serve as conduits for their wisdom and teachings, aiding each other in finding enlightenment and becoming beacons of light for others. By learning to self-heal through Deep Core Healing and guiding humanity towards a brilliant future among the stars, we can walk hand in hand with our celestial companions.