First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to all those who have supported me throughout my writing journey. It has been a rewarding experience, and I feel compelled to share my story in the hopes of inspiring others.
My writing journey with my celestial guides began in 2013. Prior to that, I had been engaging in inspired writing for a few years, which initially started when I joined a spiritual circle. When I was informed that part of my spiritual development would involve inspirational writing, I hesitated due to my severe dyslexia. I immediately erected a mental barrier. However, with time and encouragement from my teacher and fellow circle members, the words began to flow and take on meaning. These words were not my own; they were channeled through me by my celestial guides.
This initial phase of development greatly enhanced my connection with my guides and helped me build trust in their guidance. I began by writing short, inspired verses, and in 2013, I was guided to create a deck of 44 inspirational guidance cards. Given my background as a graphic designer, I took on the task of designing the cards and having them printed. Little did I know at the time that this endeavor marked the beginning of my journey as a channeler.
After this, my life became increasingly busy as my spiritual work expanded to include readings and healing. This growth eventually led me to establish my own business, Bengalrose Healing, where I worked part-time alongside my graphic design work. Despite my busy schedule, I had not devoted much time to writing. However, that was all about to change.
In March 2015, I attended my first trance workshop, which proved to be a transformative experience. During the workshop, we engaged in meditation exercises that introduced me to my gatekeeper guide, Harold. Harold revealed that he had lived an Earthly life as a medieval monk and appeared to me with a writing feather in hand, seated at a desk surrounded by scrolls. Through telepathic communication, Harold encouraged me to pursue writing and even predicted that I would one day write a book.
Interestingly, Harold was not a stranger to me. During my Reiki practice, I had sensed the presence of a monk-like guide. Although I had initially felt apprehensive about this figure, the meditation session with Harold reassured me. He exuded wisdom, patience, and a sense of protection, making me feel safe and supported in my writing endeavors.
After attending a workshop, I initially dismissed the idea of writing a book due to my dyslexia and self-doubt. However, I soon discovered that my celestial guides have a way of guiding us towards our destinies. Three different light worker channelers delivered messages to me, all predicting that I would indeed write a book.
In the autumn of 2015, I found myself sitting at my computer, feeling skeptical yet intrigued. I sarcastically asked Harold, “What should this book be called?” With a blank word document open, I heard the word “Utopia.” Although I struggled to spell it, I looked it up on google and typed it out. Curious, I asked Harold, “What’s next?” He instructed me to write my name.
Confused yet intrigued, I followed his guidance and waited for the information to flow through me.
The channeling process began during my daily dog walks with my dog Boyd, my faithful companion. Initially, I would receive these profound insights, but struggled to recall them once I returned home. It wasn’t until my husband pointed out the recording feature on my i-phone that I was able to capture these messages. Little did I know, Boyd’s passing in June 2020 revealed that he had been a conduit for celestial communication, amplifying the energy of my guides so I could telepathically hear their thoughts clearly.
As I strolled with Boyd, I would speak aloud the words that came to me, recording them for later transcription. The creation of my book, Utopia, was a gradual process until one day, my guide Harold, declared it complete. It was then that I realised the need for an editor. Fortunately, my friend Di, a talented copywriter and author who had relocated to North Scotland, came to mind. We had maintained contact over the years, and she graciously agreed over time to edit not only Utopia but nine of my books.
Reflecting on our collaboration, I now understand that Di was destined to play a crucial role in my spiritual writing journey, becoming an integral part of my life for only six months. Her expertise and support have been invaluable, shaping my work and helping me share my guides with the world.
After the publication of Utopia, I believed that was the end of my writing journey. However, it turned out to be just the beginning. The subsequent books, The Magic of Spirit and The Magic of Words, paved the way for my exploration into the depths of the Soul Connection in Ayderline, delving into my past lives. As I channeled my thoughts onto the keyboard, I realised that my connection had evolved into a strong telepathic link.
Just when I thought Ayderline would be my final book, I was informed that I would be writing about mediumship from a unique perspective – incorporating my personal journey to provide valuable insights for others. Initially hesitant, I questioned my qualifications to write about mediumship when there were more experienced mediums available. However, I was reminded of my own experiences and the lessons I had learned along the way, which could serve as a guide for those on a spiritual development path. Embracing this opportunity, I allowed the words to flow effortlessly.
The Medium’s Handbook – ‘Step into the Mind of a Medium’ is now in its fifth edition, incorporating teachings from my guides. This book has become a bestseller, offering valuable insights into the world of mediumship.
The channeling journey continued, but this time with a change of guide. Harold took a step back, making way for a new phase in my spiritual exploration. I was informed that my next book would be unlike any other – a spiritual message conveyed through storytelling. The title of the book was revealed to me: ‘The Light Within Atlantis’. It delved into the tale of an ascended being who incarnated during the period of Atlantis.
As with my previous works, the title sparked the beginning of the story. Upon its publication, I believed this would be the end of my writing journey. However, I was soon informed of another book in the works – ‘New Earth: The Light Beyond the Horizon’. I began writing this book in December 2019, and progress was initially slow. However, as the world entered a period of awakening during the lockdown, my writing became more prolific.
In addition to working on the new book, I was also assigned the responsibility of developing online courses. The book, “New Earth,” delves into the concept of awakening and its potential impact on the future of our planet. As I delved into this topic, I found myself writing about the awakening process from my own personal experiences. My journey continued with book projects such as “Deep Core Healing,” “Celestial Guardians of Earth,” “Spiritual Handbook,” “A Journey Through Creation,” and my latest work, “The Art of Trance.”
When I revisit my books, I feel a sense of detachment as if the words are flowing from a source of love beyond Earth. Each book is crafted at a specific level of understanding to guide those on their spiritual journey. I have faith in the words and believe that the messages within each book are meant to assist humanity in ascending.
Through my dedication and guidance from my celestial guides, I have established a clear channel for writing. I urge anyone who feels compelled to write a book or has been told to do so, to listen. Whether it’s a memoir or spiritual teachings, trust in the process.
My journey into channeling writing began when I let go of self-doubt and negative thought patterns, allowing my mind to clear and trust in my guides. By releasing feelings of inadequacy and embracing openness, new opportunities emerged.
As a result of my experiences, I hope to inspire you to share your message with the world and allow your celestial guides to communicate through your words.
To access my books visit
Thank you,
Channeler and Author Sharon Milne Barbour x