Throughout my spiritual journey, my celestial guides have consistently emphasised the existence of a universal language used by various advance celestial species for communication. This language, known as light language, has been a topic of fascination during my trance sessions, where profound insights have been revealed to us.
Light language has been an integral part of the universe since the emergence of intelligent life. It is a form of communication that operates on a high frequency vibrational level, existing within the quantum frequency of the universe. This telepathic language encompasses elements of light, harmonic sound, and colour frequencies, to assist with creating a unique and intricate mode of expression.
This communication method was created by the overseers of the universe to allow all high-dimensional, telepathic species working for the greater good to communicate effectively. This includes celestial beings with physical forms in high multi-dimensional existence, as well as light multidimensional transitional beings. Beings in the seventh through twelfth dimensions are able to communicate telepathically with one another, transcending language barriers.
Their advanced minds and consciousness automatically understand the messages being conveyed, similar to a shared empathic ethereal connection in human form. This telepathic frequency allows for a seamless exchange of information, creating a unified language of understanding among these diverse species.
Think of it as a heightened sense of intuition or a deep knowing that transcends verbal communication. This telepathic frequency enables beings to effortlessly comprehend each other’s thoughts and emotions, much like those moments when you intuitively know what someone is thinking or feeling without them saying a word. It is a powerful form of communication that transcends language and dialects, creating a harmonious connection among all beings involved.
During our light language trance experiences, we were informed that human individuals in the 3D Earth energy can comprehend the frequency of light language through a connection with their soul and higher self. However, this requires a deep attunement to one’s true self and form.
I have personally encountered this light language phenomenon during trance sessions, as have many other light workers. Through these trance sessions, we have gained valuable insights and knowledge from exploring Light Language. Below are some examples of the experiences we have had on different occasions.
Example one – Our first effort at light languages. Sitter one – did speak in a language we did not recognise of Earth. I was asked to interpret it, which I did at high-speed handwriting on my pad. I felt the channeling was coming from not within me but my guides translating it for us to understand as a group.
Sitter two did not speak in any light language, only English. Her guide came forward to explain what light language was. She also confirmed it was her guide translating to the sitter what was being said. The sitters guide explained that what we heard was sitters one three-dimensional human mind translation of what her guide was telepathically loading into her, light code love language. The guide confirms our brain and physical voice is in on a lower frequency. Some humans listening would not need a guide to translate, but there are a few humans on a very high frequency vibrating at a level the light code can be recognised in its true form. In ancient times on Earth there was times when civilisations had that ability. She also said what we heard spoken was not anything like we would experience when we go back to our sources of creation in the higher frequency vibration.
Example two – Sitter (me) bought forward my Pleiadean guide Kasheariel. No Light language words but apparently high vibration sounds that sounded like singing bowls came forward trying to demonstrate the harmonic sound healing frequency. She also revealed animals like dolphins, whales and elephants are on this light language frequency. Dolphins come from the Sirius region of space and were bought to earth to keep her vibration high and pure (sadly with human pollution this is proving a challenge at the moment). Kasheariel also explained the light language has a symbolic written language attached to it for physical frequency beings. This has been part of the human race for thousands of years in many civilizations’ symbols. Pleiadean’s teach it to their younglings as well as the sound vibrations of the light language. They incorporate this light language in their daily practice as humanity will one day if they can change and ascend. She also advised that all species are various levels of dimensional existence (5-7) interprets this language at their frequency of existence, but they all understand each other and tune into each other frequencies.
Example three – During this session, the trance guide of one of the sitters, an Arcturian celestial being, stepped forward and addressed the group in a unique light language dialect. Each of us was given the opportunity to jot down our interpretations of the message. The Arcturian guide then graciously translated the essence of his light language into words that we could comprehend.
Despite the challenges some of us faced in accurately interpreting the message, the underlying theme of love was unmistakable in our analyses. Several participants noted a significant energy shift around their chakras, experiencing a profound sense of love while listening to the captivating light language. This is due to the fact that light language operates on a different frequency than our spoken language, resonating with our ethereal body and soul in a way that triggers energy shifts that reflect the unconditional love from the quantum source of the universe.
During this session, we delved deeper into the nature of the light language the guide used. The Arcturian guide explained that the physical celestial beings who still possessed spoken language had adapted a spoken version of the light language for communication on Earth and other lower vibrational planets. This adapted version was tailored to our level of understanding, allowing us to translate its meaning. The guide emphasised that our ethereal body, ancient DNA, and soul level inherently understand the light language at a deeper level. However, he noted that humans can only comprehend the light language if they have learned to attune to their true ethereal form. This insight shed light on the profound connection between our spiritual essence and the universal language of love and light.
We are known as light workers because of the unique light language knowledge we possess deep within us. It is fascinating how our guides communicate with us humans telepathically, transmitting messages through the light language frequency. We then interpret these messages using our own language and memories, drawing upon the deep-seated memories stored in our DNA.
Our guides utilise the light language to impart knowledge and healing to us through various means such as dream state, meditation, and trance. They also use this high frequency to download healing and knowledge into Earth’s crystals. Additionally, they have shared with me that they transmit light activation codes through recorded meditations, oracle cards, and sound healing tools like singing bowls and tuning forks.
I have personally experienced the power of these light activation codes in the meditations I have created with the guidance of my guides. Each time these meditations are played, the light codes are activated, allowing the guides of the listener to bring forth the necessary frequency for their healing and growth.
Isn’t it incredible? I trust that this interpretation of my experience with light language, along with insights from various guides, will assist you in gaining a deeper understanding of this subject.