Telepathic channeling energy levels explained for spiritual development and trance connection

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Ten levels of channeling

All communication from the celestial realms is through telepathic mind link, channelled communication. It can also involve the human sixth senses, (empathic third eye), smell, sight, hearing, touch, and taste. These energies can cause sensations in and around the human body that can change over time as you get used to them. Below is brief explanation on how each channeling energy system works.

1. Light worker channeler communication energy

Light worker channelers focus on bringing communication from the human essence that has passed over back to their source of creation.

They work in the clairvoyant energy with a higher more powerful energy vibration level. They have to keep themselves energised for a long period of time to keep their connection to source, the celestial realms. Their celestial guide team will help with this, harnessing the energy and using the energy around them to boost their connection. It takes dedication for the light worker channeler to achieve and sustain this level of energy that is needed.

The reason the higher energy is needed is because the essence of the loved ones that wish to communicate have not had the chance to blend with the light worker channeler energy before. It takes a lot of energy from the celestial realms to telepathically link and hold that communication process with the light worker channeler.

2. Psychic channeler energy links

All humans have a psychic energy level. This energy is considered by our guides as high vibration, but not as high as needed for the clairvoyant connection. To be a psychic channeler you need to harness this connection energy, working alongside your celestial guide team. The working psychic channeler receives information about events and people from the ethereal vibration energy of a person, place, or object. A psychic can read a person’s ethereal bodies energy picking up on health issues and may perceive past and present events, in that person’s life. They should not be giving far off future life events as this is a false information as the human future can alter if needed for the greater good. If the recipient is given a potential future that is not truth to their life learning, it can steer them of their spiritual and life path. The psychic reader can pick up on very near future guidance that helps the recipient of the message. All messages should be for the NOW to help the recipient to evaluate and move forward correctly on their life spiritual journey.

Psychic channelers will see the information in their mind’s eye and feel energy and emotion to build their readings using all their senses. They are working more in the third dimension energy level, but also at times linking into guided information from a higher frequency of the fourth and fifth dimension energy. When this happens it is when the recipient’s celestial guides, and the psychic channelers celestial guides communicate with each other to inspire the working psychic’s mind. This ensures the correct information needed for the recipient is gathered and communicated. The psychic channeler will use the chosen tools like tarot or oracle cards or physical objects belonging to the recipient of the messages to inspire themselves with their guides influencing their minds.

A clairvoyant light worker channeler when giving readings will drop into the psychic energy level if their energies are low. Some start readings off in the psychic energy slowly building up their energy and confidence to connect with the higher clairvoyant energies.

Each human has their own unique path of development along the light worker communication path. This is not to be criticised but understood by all that you are unique beings and develop your spiritual gift in different ways and pace.

3. Trance energy

I have previously discussed the concept of trance energy, but I believe it is important to revisit this topic within the context of the ten channeling methods to provide further clarity on the distinctions between them.

The trance energy is a calmer more passive energy created by the celestial realms to allow inspiring words and communications from the celestial guides, human essences and observers of humanity. There are many different ‘levels’ and ‘depths’ of trance, between the states of ‘Light Trance’ and ‘Deep Trance’. If you are drawn to trance you will develop to hold the trance energy for longer periods allowing longer conversations with the communicating celestial guides.

In ‘Light Trance’ the sitter is often still aware of the room, they are in and what is going on around them. In the very lighter levels the sitter is inspired to speak with their eyes open, just connecting to the trance state. They can also do inspired inspiration writing which helps to strengthen the link with their guides at this early stage. Their trance connection will get deeper as they progress on the trance journey. Some say it’s like being in a meditative state of being.

‘Deep Trance’, is where a trance sitter can be nearly or completely totally unaware of anything that is happening with themselves and around them – they allow their conscious self to step aside, allowing the celestial communicator to communicate through their mind and voice. Some sitters will have some awareness but feel very distant from their normal reality. The truly deep trance state is often linked with the trance physical communication.

Studies have been conducted on trance communicators to measure their brain waves and see how the brain alters in trance. There is proof of changes when connected to the trance source energy. I have included information on human brain waves as it helped me to have a better understanding of how our brains function.

Delta Brainwaves (1 – 4 Hz) – Deep Sleep – Delta Waves are the slowest type of brainwaves with the highest amplitude (wavelength). These brainwaves are most observed in humans during deep sleep. They are primarily located in the right hemisphere of the brain and increase in intensity as sleep becomes more profound. If you have ever woken up feeling confused, irritable, and disoriented, it is likely because you woke up in the middle of your delta brainwave sleep stage. During this deep state, your ethereal consciousness can transcend and explore realms of unity for healing and knowledge to aid you on your journey on Earth. However, your physical body remains unconscious during this process. Sometimes, you may have a memory that is revealed in your conscious mind in the form of dreams. For instance, you may dream about being in an educational setting receiving knowledge or a hospital setting receiving healing. It is also possible to encounter familiar faces in your dreams, as others also traverse these deep dream states in the fourth dimension levels.

Theta brainwaves (4 – 7 Hz) are associated with deep meditation and the initial stages of sleep. They represent a step up from delta waves. Theta brainwaves are particularly prominent during the first stage of sleep and when individuals are daydreaming. For instance, they are present when one wakes up from a light dream, not yet fully asleep or fully conscious. During this state of light sleep, you may even experience the sensation of dreaming or sensory hallucinations. Additionally, theta waves are linked to REM sleep, which is characterised by the most vivid dreams. This is when your celestial guides utilise this level to provide healing and transmit light code downloads to help your spiritual development.

Alpha Brainwaves (7 – 12 Hz) – Relaxation – Alpha waves are typically present in the occipital lobe of the brain (located at the back) when human individuals are awake but have their eyes closed. The intensity of alpha brainwaves diminishes when you open your eyes. Unlike Delta and Theta waves, alpha waves are not active during sleep. During moments of relaxation after engaging in mental activities, such as completing a task, alpha brainwaves dominate. Another example of alpha brainwave activity is experienced when strolling through a garden in a contemplative state.

Alpha brainwaves are also associated with visualisation and daydreaming light state of trance. They become more prominent as one enters a relaxed state of mind, and individuals with a creative inclination tend to exhibit a higher ratio of alpha brainwaves. However, it is possible for anyone to increase their alpha brainwave activity through visualisation techniques, meditation practice, and deep-breathing exercises.

Furthermore, when in an alpha state, individuals may experience telepathic communication from their guides, who can impart words of wisdom while they are awake. This level of consciousness serves as an opportune moment for grounding yourself through mindfulness or connecting with nature through walks. It also facilitates a receptive state for celestial guides to draw near, communicate, and transmit healing energies.

Beta Brainwaves (12 – 40 Hz) – Conscious Reasoning – These brainwaves are the second fastest type of brain frequency and most accurately associated with the engaged brain. 

You will likely display Beta brainwaves when solving complex math’s problems or a puzzle. Logical thinkers tend to have a higher rate of Beta brainwave activity depending on their cognitive abilities. Interestingly, Beta brainwaves show an increase as the human grows older.

The downside of Beta brainwaves is that too much causes anxiety and stress. An intense Beta brainwave session, like taking an IQ test, may sometimes result in a mild headache as the blood flow to the brain increases. Still, you can seize the positive aspects and avoid the negative part of Beta brainwaves by taking breaks between sessions of deep concentration.

Gamma Waves (40 – 70 Hz) – A fascinating and often underestimated type of brainwave is the Gamma brainwave. These waves indicate a heightened level of consciousness, allowing individuals to perceive and connect with the quantum universe. They are strongly linked to feelings of joy and empathy, as well as to advanced cognitive processing and rapid learning. The Gamma brainwave represents the superconscious energy that human’s harness to enhance their ‘Trance State of Being’ (TSB). It elevates brain activity to receive telepathic energy and information from the celestial guides and universal quantum domain source. This information is then organised and can be verbally communicated through a trance communicator or knowledge channeler.

Currently, human scientists face challenges in accurately measuring these Gamma waves using existing Earth technology. However, in the future, they will undoubtedly delve deeper into the study of Gamma waves, recognising their fundamental role in shaping our human telepathic experience. These waves serve as a potent source of energy and they play a significant role in your dream and trance state, facilitating the reception of knowledge and healing from the celestial realms.

4. Channeling knowledge energy

Channelling knowledge energy is again a different calming energy that calmly builds strength over time. We are talking about a unique special energy that is created for the chosen celestial guides communicator(s) to build with their chosen human’s energy field. This is the human knowledge facilitator predestined to channel written knowledge from the celestial beings to publish for humanities spiritual development and ascension while here on Earth.

A selected guide will build with the selected human the channelling energy slowly. The reason it’s done gradually is to build up the telepathic communication in the wakened state of being which one day will flow smoothly like a conversation between humans. If it is not done correctly the human mind cannot cope with a sudden build-up of energy and will reject the process. The guide will start by inspiring their mind with words making the human feel they need to express them. The human will express in short bursts of time through written word or verbal recording in the early stages. They may also be guided to source information from their world net. As the human trusts its journey to channel from celestial beings, the celestial guide will build the energy up to a point when the telepathic conversation is free flowing and can be typed up as it comes in. Now because the human mind is not developed much beyond the 3D energy field of Earth this is often limited up to 30-minute bursts of channelling with rest in-between.

When a human reaches the fourth and fifth dimensional energy levels the celestial guide forgets about using the human minds knowledge and brings new knowledge to Earth not yet revealed to humanity. This takes TRUST from the human, if you doubt this remember all knowledge on Earth was once NEW from the quantum domains source.

To clear up any confusion, this channelling energy is different to the clairvoyant energy for giving messages. Light worker channelers get information for the recipient through short high energy bursts which can be a mixture of words in the head, visualisation and using the body sensory system. Through the development they learn to interpret them and with time it becomes a quicker smoother process. It is very rare for a light worker channeler to have free flowing conversation like an experienced channeler of knowledge would from their channeling guides.

5. Meditation energy

Meditation energy is an energy designed for humanities physical make up and it heightens the senses. Over time you will notice subtle physical and mental changes in your human form when you meditate.

In meditation, you are shifting your awareness from the usual thought focus, of past and future to the now moment creating calmness in the mind. In daily activity, the mind is engaged in observing, discriminating, deciding, analysing, and accomplishing. Meditation gives you the opportunity to shift gears, let go of this focus and experience a more peaceful, silent state of being.

With practice many can reach such a calm state of mind they explain it like being in a void, often described as empty and black. This void state is wonderful for mental health and physical well-being. Our celestial guides do like to use this meditative state of being to give you downloads of ancient knowledge, light codes, healing energies and send you on a visualisation journey using your imagination energy to celestial places. Your guides can often work with the chosen knowledge channelers we mentioned earlier in meditation to show them off world places, celestial truth in new knowledge and celestial beings.

Mindfulness is also a wonderful practice and will really help with your meditation and trance as it teaches you to disconnect from the awakening 3D world. You rush along in your world, thinking you are aware of the world around you, but you are not. The simplest way for me to describe this in words is to give an example: You are given ten red pencils laid out next to each other in a row; most people will think they are all the same and not take a second look at them as long as they function and serve the purpose that is all that matters. BUT each pencil is unique! If you stopped and looked at each individual pencil, you would be able to describe each one and the uniqueness that makes them different from each other. As you did this you would be more aware of that moment in time, as if you have slowed down time to stop and become aware of these ten red pencils. You can feel them, look at them all over, smell them, listen to them, and even taste them. When you are this aware you are being mindful, and this is what mindfulness means.

If you feel the need to practice meditation it comes from an innate longing to see and think beyond the chaotic third dimensional world surrounding you. Meditation is used worldwide not just by the spiritual community. There are many types, and it is wise to take the time to find the right type of meditation and vibration for you.

6. Dream state energy

We have already touched on the dream state, but I just want you to see it in context with the other ten channeling energies. You have already heard of the scientific terms of alpha and beta brain levels? Beta is when you are fully awake, making decisions, focusing on past, present and future and using up energy. In the physical beta state, the blood is pumping hard to all vital organs using high energy.

Alpha is the relaxed brain state, but you are not a sleep. Imagine as you get into bed and you have washed your sheets and they smell fresh and clean. You snuggle down and relax, but are awake, that’s the calm feeling you need to reach.  In alpha state the blood flow as the body relaxes goes more to the outer shell than the inner body. It is in this Alpha state of energy created by the human energy field we can calmly access your conscious mind.

Once a sleep, this dream state energy level allows our celestial guides to bring images and communication from loved ones in the celestial realms. It also allows them to bring the healing you need. Also channel knowledge and information to your subconscious mind. Have you heard of out of body experiences? The ethereal body can go on journeys out of the human physical body for knowledge and new experiences in the universe. They will be guided by a celestial guide and other energy sources to what is needed for them. Many of you might not remember the healing experiences or downloads. But you will remember knowledge needed to share to humanity. This is also a great energy for the chosen human channeller for the guide to get information to them for their writing which is often in the visual form.

7. Healing energy

Healing energy comes in on a vibration of unconditional love from the ‘Quantum Domain’ pure love energy source and with celestial beings that work in the light.

Energy healing goes back thousands of Earth years, the oldest form being under the umbrella of Shamanic healing. Shamanism is historically, often associated with Earth’s indigenous and tribal societies and has persisted all over your world since its inception in ancient native cultures such as Siberian, Indian, Native American, South American and Aboriginals. It involves beliefs that shamans, with a connection to the other world and elementals, have the power to heal the sick, communicate with celestial beings, and escort souls of the dead to the afterlife. Some of the holistic healing practices of our world today have been developed from this ancient practice.

Some energy healing is hands-on healing where the holistic healer channels a wonderful high source of unconditional love energy. This can be with the hands physically placed on the body or held in the ethereal human energy field. The guides of both human parties work with the healer to send the healing through the recipient’s body targeting the areas that need healing. In this process they send healing light energy in, while removing any unwanted darker energy out of the body. Our celestial guides have learnt through working with humans that different types of energy from various universal healing realms can help us. As I said earlier this helped them to create different type of healing practices.

Our world is full of different healing practices. For us to ascend we need to heal. If you truly want to heal set this intention with your celestial guides and they will guide you to the correct practitioners to help you. Also use the human mindset of positive thinking to help yourself. You need to want to truly heal for your celestial guides to help you.

8. Unison energy

Unison energy helps with communication in the universe between celestial beings. It is an energy created to sustain an energy space where all celestial beings from all types of existence can meet and communicate with each other. It allows species from physical multi-dimensional transcendent to light conscious multi-dimensional transcendent beings to exist in the same space creating an energy to sustain them in their own energy of existence, like air. This is how your guides can meet and create circles that help groups, workshops and individual light workers and leaders of spiritual knowledge. The space can be held in unison starship vehicles to a dimensional realm energy field. This will depend on the celestial guides home existences to what choice is made to base the unison energy meet space in.

Unison guides were introduced as part of the new Earth alliance since the Second World War on Earth. These guides ensure all parties such as guides, higher self, soul base level and the celestial guardians of Earth all work in unison with us and each other. They will not communicate with you, and you will not be ware of them working behind the scenes for you and for your guide team’s benefit.

9. Prayer energy

Prayer is a communication energy in the third dimension energy matrix connected to the human mind and their ethereal body energy. It is a one-way telepathic communication wavelength like a radio signal.

All prayers are heard at celestial guide level through to the quantum domain source energy levels. The prayers will be answered if it will help the human’s life journey or another human’s journey. Communication from the quantum creative intelligence source will filter to the guides, and they will help with any answer that needs to be given. This is a test for every human as it tests their religious faith if prayers are not answered.

When decisions are made to answer the prayer, the celestial guides will set the motion in place. They also will leave signs to comfort you they have heard you. The knowledge in my ‘Magic of Spirit’ book will help you see their signs and understand the different facets of your spiritual journey.

10. Soul and higher self energy

I frequently remind myself that humans on Earth are celestial beings, also known as star people or star children. The difference being is we are vibrating at a lower frequency within the 3D energy spectrum, compared to celestial beings from the fifth to twelfth dimensions.

The higher self is either a light conscious being or a highly ascended physical being. They create a reflection of self for incarnation which we understand as the Soul. This energy communication connection is an internal mind to body communication. Your soul energy connects with a part of the brain near the pineal gland and crown chakra allowing communication energy transmitting to the higher self and vice a versa.

While the soul is with the chosen human physical form it is the Sat-nav for the physical Earth journey. All souls come with the frequencies to connect to the higher self being’s consciousnesses, to give internal guidance, and this is known to us as intuition. The higher self can also connect with the humans’ celestial guides, working as a team, who support that human’s life. All souls have a purpose for each individual life. We all have the ability with our sixth sense to connect with our soul’s true ethereal form and your higher self but many of you don’t use it.

When a human being succeeds at this connection great things can occur for the spiritual journey. Have you heard of ‘Soul Connection’ mentioned earlier? This is vital for the physical being incarnated into, to find its true self and purpose, and is a challenge in the Earth’s third dimension energy. The challenge is for the human consciousness to have an open clarity of eternal awareness to connect to the soul base energy to trigger its life purpose. So, the human form must ascend out of the heavy third dimension energy towards the fifth dimension higher frequencies energy and make a mid-way connection for this to happen.

Many lessons will be learned from the individual’s life’s process of trying to achieve this. If you feel you have not connected to your soul, then this work is vital for you to undertake. This communication connection to the soul is your next transition but not many humans achieve this as they are spiritually unaware, and it is vital to the human ascension process. This is one of humanity’s missing links.