The Arcturians are a fascinating race that hails from the planet Corporian, which orbits a star near the Arcturus star in the Bootes constellation. The Arcturus region is located approximately thirty-six light years away from our solar system. The star Arcturus is visible to the naked eye in both the northern and southern hemispheres of Earth.
The name of this star system, Arcturus, was derived from the ancient Greek words ‘Arktos,’ meaning bear, and “ouros,” meaning guardian. Corporian, the fifth planet in their system, is channelled as a beautiful blue planet to Earth’s human channelers.
Although humanity has not yet observed their star system through telescopes, time will eventually reveal its wonders. The star Arcturian has captivated the imagination of many ancient cultures due to its brightness in the night sky. Polynesian and Hawaiian navigators, in particular, used this star to guide their travels across the vast seas of Earth.
If you have had the privilege of being transported to their home planet through meditation, a dream state or astral travel, you would behold a world that mirrors the deep blue hues of Earth. Their architecture consists of pyramids and abstract triangle shapes crafted from a material resembling a mirror, reflecting the vast blue expanse of their atmosphere and space. Their existence transcends our physical, materialistic realm, yet when they invite you to meet them, they create a harmonious space of unison where you can feel at ease and truly understand who they are.
I have a guide named Teilican from the Arcturian world who has graciously led me on a journey to his home planet through deep meditation. During this extraordinary experience, Teilican guided me through meditation to a place where I encountered a large, dark reflective building set against a backdrop of a dark blue landscape and sky.
Standing before what appeared to be a doorway protected by a force field, I was invited to enter. Upon entering the structure, I expected to see stairways and walls, but my limited understanding and perspective prevented me from perceiving their reality. Teilican assured me that he would create a comfortable seating space for me. Once settled, Teilican introduced me to his young son, who approached me with curiosity, examining my face with his hand to feel its contours. My ethereal presence had been transported to their world and materlised in a human form for them to see me. I sensed the presence of other curious Arcturian beings around me, although I could not see them clearly.
Though my memories of this encounter are fragmented, I have often revisited this experience through trance development. In these states, I have seen Teilican in my mind’s eye and allowed him to blend with my energy and communicate telepathically through me.
The Arcturians are a remarkably tall humanoid race form, characterised by their oversized joints and elongated skulls. They are often seen wearing flowing robes, appearing to glide effortlessly rather than walk. Their skin, which has a blue tone and is adorned with tiny scales, shimmers elegantly as they move, making them a captivating sight to behold.
Known for their immense wisdom, the Arcturians possess logical and practical minds that they bring to any mission they undertake, all while maintaining their elevated spiritual status. They have achieved a multidimensional transitional transformation, allowing them to exist in both physical and light forms.
The Arcturians play a crucial role as active protectors of Earth, working tirelessly to elevate the planet’s vibrational frequency and shield it from the malevolent forces that lurk in the universe. It is imperative to acknowledge the existence of these dark forces, which harbour ill intentions towards Earth’s humanity. At times when the universal overseers and Intergalactic Council have taken a step back to allow Earth to evolve naturally, the Arcturians have bravely intervened to maintain balance and harmony.
These darker forces, often referred to as ascension beings by the Arcturians, are what we commonly perceive as aliens. Their motives and actions are alien to the Arcturians, as many of them possess manipulative and destructive tendencies that threaten the positive quantum light in the universe. It is essential to remain vigilant and aligned with the Arcturians’ mission to protect Earth and uphold its vibrational frequency against these malevolent forces.
One of the most infamous species in Earth’s history is the Derepliticon race. Hailing from a planet with a swamp-like atmosphere, they are known for their humanoid/reptilian appearance, resembling lizards with scaly skin that secretes a pale oil-like substance. Standing upright, they possess high intelligence and have a knack for manipulating those with weaker minds using their telepathic abilities.
The Derepliticons are a warlike celestial species, skilled in advanced technology, mind control and capable of interstellar travel from the fifth to eighth dimension. They were first discovered during the Atlantis fifth experiment, where it was revealed that they had been infiltrating the project for an extended period. Their interference disrupted the high ascension energies, leading to the downfall of the highly ascended genetically engineered Earth humans created during the experiment.
Despite their malevolent intentions, the Derepliticons managed to remain hidden by disguising themselves as incarnated souls, using their advanced technology to evade detection by higher-energy beings in the universe. Their presence serves as a cautionary tale of the dangers posed by beings with malicious intent and superior technological capabilities.
The shocking revelation that a particular race was responsible for the failure of experiments in Atlantis time period sent shockwaves through the Intergalactic Council, Light Council, and universal overseers. Upon this discovery, extensive research was conducted by delving into the quantum universal source library, spanning many Earth years of recordings to pinpoint when and how this race infiltrated each experiment. The pressing question arose: were they the cause of all failures, or just the fifth? It was determined that they first infiltrated the initial experiment after thousands of Earth years, strategically entering subsequent experiments to sow chaos and negativity, feeding off the resulting disruption.
As a result, the Intergalactic Council made the decision to withdraw from Earth and close down the Atlantis experiments, allowing Earth to evolve independently again. However, the threat of the Derepliticons loomed as they may return to incite further chaos, potentially leading to anarchy and conflict among the remaining Earth inhabitants.
The Arcturians are the primary celestial species responsible for maintaining peace on Earth. Their advanced mental intellect allows them to detect the energy of conscious living beings and even souls/higher selfs that do not belong to Earth’s accepted incarnation program. The Arcturians are able to identify and remove the Derepliticons, who are unable to deceive them. This successful operation has been in place since the end of Earth’s Second World War.
How are the Arcturians contributing to Earth during the awakening Quantum era
The Arcturians are renowned for their exceptional healing abilities, frequently making visits to the Pleiadians’ healing planet, Equezial. They generously share their vast knowledge and skills with many, establishing themselves as one of the most compassionate races in our universe. Their nurturing and restorative energy is instrumental in aiding the ethereal body and soul’s journey back to their higher self and original source of creation. The Arcturians emit a protective healing energy vibration, ensuring a safe passage for the soul as it returns to its higher source. Allow me to delve into the concept of soul transition, shedding light on how the Arcturians play a crucial role in assisting Mother Earth.
The universe is teeming with humanoid forms that inhabit three-dimensional planets similar to Earth. In these lower three-dimensional energies, humanoid physical bodies can exist without a soul and higher self connection, much like many other forms in the universe. These soulless humanoid bodies possess a cellular physical makeup, a conscious mind, and an ethereal conscious energy linked to the universal quantum domain of creative intelligence.
From the moment of birth, these beings begin to create what is known as a humanoid essence they have an ethereal body that encapsulates their consciousness of existence. This essence holds the vibrational energy that permeates every aspect of their lives, encompassing their personality, memories, and ethereal energy derived from universal quantum sources.
Upon the death of a soulless humanoid physical body, the physical form returns to the energy of its planet, where it is reabsorbed. The planet processes the positive and negative energies contained within the decaying body. Meanwhile, the ethereal humanoid essence is gathered by majestic beings and transported to the source of creation, where it is absorbed back into the universal energy. Once there, the ethereal humanoid essence undergoes a cleansing process to rid it of any negative residue. The essence of that humanoid life is then recorded in the universal quantum vibrational energy source, ensuring that it is never lost to the vast expanse of the universe.
The humanoid physical form in our three-dimensional existence, which possesses a soul, also embodies the essence of humanity. The soul originates from a higher dimensional source, beyond our five-dimensional understanding. These souls are created from celestial beings who exist in a high dimensional physical or a light multidimensional transitional form. When a humanoid form dies, such as on Earth, the physical body returns to the energy of Mother Earth and is reabsorbed. The physical body can contain both positive and negative energies.
Upon death, the soul energy leaves the body, carrying the ethereal human essence with it. The soul is guided back to its higher self form in its original source of creation. Once reunited with its true form, the higher self reviews the souls blueprint of its incarnated humanoid life mission. The essence of that humanoid life remains imprinted in the higher self being’s memory, but any negative experiences and emotions are cleansed. This allows the higher self being of the soul energy to objectively examine that incarnated life without the negative emotions attached to it.
All lessons learned from the incarnated life, including emotions, are recorded in the overseer’s quantum universal library of knowledge. This knowledge is then utilised for others to plan future incarnated Earth experiences and to learn from. The ethereal body with the human essence its collected then journeys back to the source of creation and remains connected to the higher self, available for evidential proof of life after the passing of the humanoid form.
For Earth channelers doing individual readings and looking to communicate with the deceased, it is recommended to request the human Earth name of the specific individual they wish to connect with. A platform Lightworker communicator, along with the guides involved in the process, will access the ethereal essence and memories of the deceased Earth human guiding them to the recipient of the message. This will offer clear evidence of their past life on Earth in human form.
When a soul energy departs from the physical body, it is guided back to its origin by your celestial guides guides and celestial beings such as the Arcturians. Picture a cosmic highway of portal energies stretching through the universe, guiding the soul and ethereal essence towards their destination. The soul possesses an innate homing instinct, represented by a slender thread connecting it to the geometric cosmos matrix. However, the dense energy of earthly existence can impede its journey, necessitating guidance to navigate back to its higher self and source of creation.
In instances of extreme trauma, such as in large battles or pandemics like the Spanish flu or World War II prisoner camps, the soul may fragment upon departure. Typically, the soul’s energy clears the body entirely before leaving the Earth’s atmosphere. Yet in cases of profound suffering or dread, fragments of negative energy may linger behind. These fragmented soul imprints create a distinct negative vibrational energy in areas associated with trauma, such as battlefields or concentration camps, perceptible to sensitive individuals.
The heavy energy in these locations can impact the natural world, deterring animals and birds from the area. The lingering presence of soul fragments serves as a reminder of the profound impact of human suffering on the energetic landscape of our world.
These areas must be cleared in order to assist in the cleansing process of Mother Nature. It is crucial that the higher beings who have chosen to incarnate have their energies reinstated so that their high vibration can be restored. While these beings are able to function without their soul fragment, it is important to note that this fragment contains valuable knowledge and a unique frequency that is essential for completing their incarnation mission and ascending on their spiritual path.
The Arcturians play a significant role in clearing this energy, often enlisting the help of Earth light workers with avatar souls whose elevated ascension energies can aid in the process. They work to retrieve these soul fragments, transmuting any attached trauma into a source of light or allowing Mother Earth to transmute it, thereby dispersing any negative energy vibrations. Once the soul fragment has been cleansed, it is returned to its original source of creation. Additionally, the Arcturians collaborate with elemental beings associated with Earth to assist in the cleanup of these soul fragments.
Through their unique abilities and connection to higher realms, the Arcturians play a crucial role in assisting Mother Earth in her healing journey. Their dedication to clearing negative energy and promoting healing is a testament to their commitment to the well-being of all beings on Earth.
This is a crucial moment for Earth’s land clearance due to its position in the galactic orbit. Our solar system is constantly moving within the Milky Way galaxy, and our orbital location impacts our evolution. As we traverse different regions of the galaxy, we are drawn closer to the galaxy’s central sun. Currently, Earth finds itself in an area filled with pockets of light that hold higher levels of energy and consciousness.
Celestial beings are harnessing this light to elevate our consciousness, utilising the universe’s geometric grid lines and magnetic fields to facilitate this process. This phase is expected to last for seventeen Earth years in our linear time frame.
The spiritual work being carried out to clear soul fragments and Earth is conducted discreetly, with humans selflessly assisting with the support of the Arcturians, without seeking any personal gain. Gratitude is expressed for their assistance, as it is crucial for humanity’s ascension that negative trauma energy is transmuted. It is my belief that as humanity progresses towards ascension, behaviours that contribute to this darker energy will diminish.
There will come a time when Mother Earth can purify herself with the help of highly ascended Earth humans, and the Arcturians can resume their role as observers of humanity on Earth.