The Lemurian Alliance

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Lemurians currently flourish in the seventh to eighth dimensional energy of the universe. Their celestial home Sebuiel based in the Sombrero Galaxy, is a planet of elevated vibrations akin to your Earth yet surpassing it in size by one and a half times. Revered as a radiant gem in the vast expanse of the cosmos, Sebuiel boasts the presence of two moons, like our own moon, which exerts its influence over the oceans and weather patterns. Unlike Earth, Sebuiel’s seasons are characterised by a gentler temperament, avoiding the extremities that punctuate our own cycle of life.

The Lemurians are an elegant and intellectually advanced humanoid race. They exist in a physical state possessing the remarkable ability to manipulate their form through mind control and technology. This enables them to seamlessly transition into various dimensions, even incarnating in say Earth humans. Their physical appearance is characterised by pale lilac pink skin, clear blue eyes, and silver blond to platinum blond hair. While they possess the same number of fingers and toes as humans, they exhibit a subtle distinction – three small ridges on their nose, as well as each finger and toe.

In addition to sharing the five primary senses with Earth humans, the Lemurians embrace a sixth sense, a profound connection to the quantum domain universal source. This connection is held sacred to their existence, and it sets them apart from humanity. It is worth noting that this sixth sense is a concept that Earth inhabitants are only beginning to rediscover and comprehend.

Thousands of years ago, the Lemurians, in their human form, reproduced their young in a manner similar to Earthlings. However, as they ascended to higher dimensions of understanding and existence, they decided to create their offspring out of their physical bodies from the DNA of both partners and the life-giving cells within their physical bodies. The youngling grows in a large egg-shaped incubator receiving the nutrients atmosphere, parent and planet sounds it needs to thrive. They ensure that each youngling is a unique individual, rather than a clone, allowing their kind to evolve in diverse ways while still honoring their distant heritage.

Today, disease is a thing of the past for the Lemurians, who now focus on well-being practices rather than traditional medicine. Mental balance is key for them, as it allows their physical forms to function in a harmonious state. This evolutionary path has led them to become truly amazing beings, embodying the wisdom and knowledge of their ancestors while embracing the future with open arms.

Once a Lemurian youngling discovers their true calling, they gain access to the vast universal knowledge within the universal quantum domain, allowing them to delve deeper into their chosen areas of study. All of this is overseen by assigned Lemurians, who ensures that everyone is on the right path towards self-discovery and enlightenment.

One particular area of their development of interest is the Lemurian physical makeup from the 7D levels to the 8D levels. It was fascinating to learn that the Lemurians can transcend into an ethereal form to travel through portals and their atmosphere, although there is a time limit to how long they can maintain this status safely. Some of the Lemurians have evolved into the eight-dimensional reality and can now sustain this state for longer periods. To navigate through different atmospheres, they utilise their technology energy adapters. However, they have not yet reached the stage where they can transcend onto a planet and transform their physical bodies to survive in toxic atmospheres. This limitation highlights the complexity of their evolution and the challenges they face in adapting to new environments and dimensional changes. I also realised that these challenges are what our own race will face in our future if we can activate ascension.

Their remarkable planet, predominantly composed of water and land, has remained untainted by pollution. The Lemurians, are an exceptionally advanced race, that have always embraced technology as a means of long-term preservation and survival. Their ingenuity has led them to harness the power of gravitational clean energy, seamlessly intertwined with the omnipresent micron energy frequency particles that permeate all matter. Through their technological prowess, they have mastered the art of tapping into this pristine energy source, without causing any harm to its origins. Consequently, this boundless energy fuels their homes, propels their vehicles, and their starships.

One fascinating aspect of the 7D and 8D development is the manifestation process. The Lumerians have the ability to materialise structures on their world and even create food if they desire. They must tap into the essence of what is required to construct something like a home. For instance, they can manipulate stone with their minds alone, eliminating the need for environmentally harmful machinery. May I add here that in many of Earths ancient cities such as Tiwanaku found in Bolivia you can see evidence of this in the stone formations from when celestial beings have been on Earth. They have the power to rearrange molecules to create materials such as wood, glass, and crystal. However, they are careful to limit their usage of these abilities, in accordance with their cultural values, to ensure that their newfound evolutionary skills are not abused. Basically, they are tapped into only for the greater good of all.

The Lemurian cities are truly magnificent, constructed with a remarkable crystalline structure that they possess the ability to materialise through the power of their minds. Utilising crystals as tools, they can execute a multitude of functions, such as storing information and unlocking gateways to alternate dimensions. Their communication takes place through telepathy, facilitated by the crystals acting as amplifiers, transmitting thoughts and matter in the form of vibrational energy across the vast expanse of the universe. This extraordinary capability enables them to teleport, effortlessly traversing great distances, while also granting them the power to manifest physical objects and structures, as well as manipulate and transport massive objects with the sheer force of their thoughts.

The architecture of their homes is sleek and streamlined, designed to harness the energy of the light star and the planet’s heat source for power and warmth when needed. Their homes are minimalist, they do not have permanent fixtures or structures in place; they materialise them as needed, but their science and space facilities is an exception. The Lemurians have a fascinating ability to create objects through their conscious telepathic mind or physically by hand, placing them in a plane of existence where they cannot be seen or felt until called upon. Their way of thinking is devoid of materialistic values; they do not seek adornment for themselves but instead embody a pristine and refined mannered existence.

The Lemurians have long been linked to Earth’s history since the Atlantean era. Some avid researchers of Earth’s past, delving into mythological narratives, speculate that the Lemurians were a race that thrived on the Earth planet during that period of ancient history. These Lemurians were among the chosen species to augment the human DNA with that of other celestial beings, with the aim of propelling the evolution of Earth’s humanoid species. In the initial Atlantis experiment, the DNA of the Lemurians, alongside that of the Pleiadians, Arcturians, and Andromedans, played a pivotal role in the creation of a new human species. Collaborating with the overseers, they contributed to the development of an advanced iteration of humans on Earth, thereby catalysing the planet’s evolutionary journey.

In the early stages of Earth’s incarnation program, the Lemurians were the sole species to embark on the journey of being the higher self soul connection incarnating into the newly formed Earth beings. As time advanced and the initial Atlantis experiment displayed promising results, the Lemurians extended their invitation to other species affiliated with the Intergalactic Council to partake in the incarnation process. This collaborative effort aimed to contribute to the development of Earth’s new Utopia they were diligently crafting.

The new Earth human species chosen for the inaugural Atlantis experiment was named the Lemurians, in honour of the Lemurians who incarnated into these new Earth beings and their DNA contribution. But they were not the pure Lemurian race we have mentioned. The Lemurians were specifically selected for this ground-breaking experiment due to their strong alliance with Earth and their extensive involvement in the study of this subject matter. The Lemurians continued to be involved in the next four Atlantis experiments.

How are the Lemurians contributing to Earth during the awakening Quantum era

The Lemurians have maintained a profound connection with our planet. They willingly choose to incarnate, observe, and serve as guides to humanity, actively participating in the latest alliances formed with Earth. Their immense wisdom and ancient knowledge, accumulated over a span of more than three hundred thousand years during the Atlantis phases, make them invaluable contributors. By emphasising the revival of ancient modes of thinking and healing, they assist alliance members in their endeavours.

As the custodians of Earth, they are frequently summoned to assist individuals in a multitude of ways. One such role involves facilitating the latest awakening process by activating the ancient codes embedded within human DNA, thus elevating their significance in your existence. This profound task is accomplished through a soul connection that has been entrusted with the mission of bestowing healing upon humanity. The Lemurians play a pivotal role in this endeavor, as they incarnate with a specific life purpose and possess the ability to concentrate on the required DNA codes. This is because Lemurian DNA is an integral part of human composition, with the codes residing within the DNA’s frequency.

They serve as human guides, bringing balance to your family, workplace, ego, and higher self, as well as aiding in the alignment of your soul plan with your life mission. Additionally, they possess expertise in crystal technology within their realm and are now sharing this knowledge by attuning quartz crystals on Earth. These crystals transmit light codes and wisdom into the Earth’s crystal layers, serving as repositories of knowledge. Think of them as advanced computers storing vast amounts of information. On Earth, these crystals are mined and then attuned by the Lemurians to resonate with the vibrations of humanity. They find their way to light workers, healers, or individuals destined for a spiritual path. Picture a thread of energy connecting you to the crystal, establishing a link with your subconscious. When you hold the crystal, it downloads specific light codes of information that are relevant to your current needs. Over time, you will feel drawn to hold the crystal at different moments, as it continues to provide further knowledge for your spiritual growth on Earth.

This stored information brings mental clarity, clears negative energy from the past, sparks awakening, and facilitates access to higher wisdom. When a crystal connects with the genuine intention of love and healing energy from a human, it triggers the release of knowledge. These light codes are meant for those with pure hearts who are dedicated to guiding humanity on their true-life missions. Many Earth individuals may not be consciously aware of this process, as the light codes penetrate deep into their sub-consciousness to be absorbed. Eventually, this knowledge manifests as creative ideas, unleashing the quantum creative intelligence.

They assist the animals that came originally from their home planet, animals from their planets were brought to Earth to assist in populating the planet and establishing a spiritual balance alongside the ancient humans. One such example is a water creature called a dolphin, which holds a special connection to the Lemurians, as they originated from the Lemurian planet.

The dolphins serve as a vital link to the oceans and the Earth’s energy. It is crucial that you protect your seas to ensure these magnificent creatures can thrive and contribute to the New Earth frequency. The dolphins emit a unique healing frequency that resonates through the Earth’s oceans, which is then carried by rain clouds and dispersed across the planet. This process helps to cleanse the Earth of negative energy, from the skies to the depths of the oceans. This is why it is so important to keep our oceans clean and safe for these highly ascended creatures to thrive and protect Mother Earth. The dolphins also help the Lemurians oceans in a similar way.

The Lemurians’ unique attributes and abilities make them a truly fascinating and enigmatic species. Their grace, intelligence, and multi-dimensional existence captivate the imagination, leaving us in awe of their extraordinary nature. As we strive to unravel the mysteries of our own world, we can only marvel at the Lemurians’ profound understanding of the quantum realm and their deep-rooted connection to it. We have a lot to learn from them.