The Salcariton Alliance

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Over the past six years, I have had the privilege of working with these wonderful light beings. They have brought me incredible knowledge, clarity, and a new perspective of the universe. Through channeling and trance energy, they communicate with me, providing invaluable insights and guidance for humanity.

The Salcaritons hail from the tenth dimension, where they possess a profound understanding of existence. They exist collectively, residing in a collective realm above the Sirius region of the universe. This highly ascended race of light beings embodies ethereal qualities that set them apart from other celestial beings.

These spiritual entities dwell in a quantum energy of love and create intelligence, where they experience a state of oneness within the quantum domains of unconditional love energy. Their reality spans across sixty-four ascension levels, each containing various sub-levels. Within their realm, one can find high-ascended masters, pure angelic energy beings, and elemental realms.

Guiding the Salcaritons is an overseer from the twelfth dimension, serving as their source of inspiration and mentor. Additionally, these beings often participate in Light Councils, which are responsible for overseeing galaxies, as well as the Intergalactic Council of Earth.

The Salcaritons have perfected the process of incarnation in lower-level energy physical species from the second to the fifth dimension. They ceased incarnating into physical beings at the higher level of fifth-dimensional existence. This decision was made because once a being reaches the high fifth level of ascension and understanding, the guiding soul and higher self connection is no longer necessary. When humanity reaches the fifth-dimensional levels of understanding, they have the option to participate in the incarnation program if it aligns with their evolution plan.

The Salcaritons established an alliance with Earth during the fourth Atlantis experiment in the Earth timeline around 11,500 BC. Their expertise in DNA and incarnation work made them valuable partners in this endeavor. Previous Atlantis experiments had failed, prompting the universal overseers to seek their assistance in examining the DNA structure of Earth humanoids and serving as guiding lights for Earth humans to establish a higher self soul connection.

When the decision was made to initiate a fifth Atlantis experiment, the Salcaritons made the choice to continue the higher self soul connection in Earth humans to provide ongoing support. Their primary focus was on elevating the planet’s energies in an effort to prevent another failed experiment. They worked tirelessly to encourage a simpler, more spiritually centred way of life, emphasising respect for one another, animals, and the Earth itself.

During the initial four Atlantis experiments, the Intergalactic Council was perplexed by the repeated failures, as they were unaware of the underlying cause. They were puzzled by what was causing Earth humans to eventually descend into the lower third dimensional (3D) energies. The master scientists were diligently investigating whether DNA deterioration or a shift in humanoid minds’ frequencies, possibly influenced by an unseen source, was to blame. The Salcaritons, who believed they had perfected the incarnation process, were also bewildered by some of their incarnated human forms exhibiting behaviour associated with Earths 3D energies. Numerous unanswered questions lingered, demanding resolution.

The Salcaritons were tasked with reevaluating the DNA, and their analysis revealed a crucial weakness. The chakra energy system was found to be insufficient in frequency to sustain the fifth-dimensional connection over an extended period. It was determined that the Earths human DNA needed to be restructured to establish a robust link with a self-adjusting frequency to maintain equilibrium.

Leveraging their extensive experience studying various species across the universe, the Salcaritons modified the human DNA to incorporate a twelve-helix structure that had proven effective in similar scenarios elsewhere in the universe. This new high-frequency system would remain active while physical form individuals were connected to the universal quantum energy source, allowing the Atlanteans to exist in a harmonious five-dimensional state within Earth’s realms.

By combining the twelve chakras with the enhanced DNA, the new Earth humans gained, higher frequency telepathic communication, psychic abilities such as clairsentience, clairaudience, and clairvoyance. This enabled them to develop telekinetic powers, harnessing their minds to materialise and manipulate objects by tapping into the cosmic matrix of higher consciousness. As a result, the humanoids in the fifth experiment emerged as the most mentally and physically formidable beings ever to inhabit Earth.

The humanoid form on Earth created had to actively work to maintain a high frequency connection through practices such as meditation, self-healing, and embracing and understanding the universal quantum domains creative intelligence. Failure to do so could result in the DNA reverting back to a lower energy state with only two strands, as seen in the descendants of beings who occupied Earth before the Atlantis experiments. The Salcaritons engineered this new DNA to allow for reactivation in future Earth generations if the current humans fall into lower energies. This reactivation would involve reconnecting with the quantum domain’s creative intelligence. The Intergalactic Council with the Salcaritons help was ensuring that Earth can continue to serve as an experimental base and repository of knowledge by implementing this safety mechanism for the future of humanity.

Up until the fifth Atlantis experiment, the Salcaritons had been engaged in the ambitious task of recreating the human species. However, faced with the possibility of the fifth experiment failing, they made a momentous decision. If their latest endeavor proved unsuccessful, they resolved to obliterate the Atlanteans advanced technology by triggering a catastrophic flood. In the aftermath, they planned to allow the Atlantean humans who remained to disperse across the Earth with just their memories and basic survival possessions. Then the Intergalactic council observing as new societies emerged. Simultaneously, they began preparations for a potential sixth experiment as a contingency plan.

The Salcaritons, recognising the gravity of the situation, expanded their alliance to oversee this next phase of evolution on Earth. They positioned themselves as the primary higher self’s incarnated souls guiding the planet’s development. Furthermore, they took on the responsibility of selecting other esteemed celestial beings to join them in this crucial endeavor. The success of these plans hinged on the progress of Earth and whether it required a course correction towards the quantum energy source once more. The fate of Mother Earth lay in the balance, and the Salcaritons stood ready to shape its future.

After the fifth experiment, a flood and then a mini ice age occurred, and the humans left on the planet managed to survive. Some of these individuals were descendants of survivors from previous experiments, living in small communities. Isolated from the rest of the world, they had learned to live peacefully, influenced by the Salcaritons’ incarnations that continued throughout this intriguing phase of Earth’s climate adjustment as she renewed and cleansed herself.

During the fifth Atlantis experiment and beyond, the Salcaritons continued to provide guidance on various matters. One was to build temples of knowledge and worship over the energy lines that crisscrossed the Earth. This strategic placement would allow the temples to amplify the energy, enabling its use for healing, off-world communication, and accessing knowledge resources. By tapping into the planet’s power, humans could connect with Earth’s pure energy, helping to maintain balance on the planet. Additionally, this connection would strengthen the Earth chakra in humans, providing grounding and balance amidst the influx of multidimensional energies.

How are the Salcaritons contributing to Earth during the awakening Quantum era.

The Salcaritons still play a crucial role as celestial species architects within the alliance members of Earth, assisting in the development of their plans. Their extensive experiences with DNA and incarnation across the universe provide them with invaluable insights and knowledge.

The reality of the Salcaritons’ existence is often perceived by humanity as a heavenly realm, akin to a Garden of Eden. This depiction offers comfort to Earth humans seeking evidence of life after death. Many higher selves and soul connections originate from the Salcaritons, as these higher beings choose to dedicate themselves to Earth by being guides and reincarnating to expand their understanding of the planet and aid in its ascension.

The wisdom and knowledge gained by the Salcaritons through their interactions with Earth always contribute to the evolution of humanity and the well-being of Mother Earth.

If you are privileged to have them work with you as guides you might see them in a group of five. They will appear to you in human but translucent shape in a setting of nature, but with more enhanced beauty and vibrant colours than Earth. They create this form from their light multidimensional transitional existence so you can relate to them in your human mind. They work in the number five as this is the strongest frequency connection of understanding for the Earth’s human mind. Below I explain The Five Graces of Humanity.

The number five has been intertwined with humanity’s existence since their creation. It is often associated with Earth’s humanity due to the presence of five fingers, five toes, and five appendages, including the head, in the creation of Earth humanoids. Additionally, humans possess five senses – sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing – each corresponding to sensory organs: eyes, nose, tongue, skin, and ears. In some eastern societies, these senses are referred to as the ‘Five Graces,’ a term that resonates with me.

The human body is further structured around five body systems – circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, digestive, and nervous. The pentagram, symbolizing a star, features five points, further emphasizing the significance of the number five in human existence. This number holds power in the human mind, serving as a source of positive energy linked to our DNA.

The energy associated with the number five enables interaction with off-world beings, who often reveal themselves in groups of five or ten. This connection to positive energy and DNA creation underscores the profound impact of the number five on humanity’s existence.

In the realm of the Salcaritons, there exist exquisite angelic energy light beings in the higher echelons who are currently aiding humanity they are called the Ray. These celestial entities can be likened to the twelve divine light beings that once presided over Atlantis. Eventually named Archangels by humanity, these beings are imbued with omniscient consciousness and the purest form of love.

Throughout history, humans have depicted Archangels in art as winged figures, as their energy leaves a trail of shimmering light in their wake, which can be perceived as wings to the human eye. This portrayal in human form is a result of the human mind’s need to comprehend these beings in a three-dimensional reality. The unknown is thus transformed into a relatable human connection through this artistic representation.

Allow me to introduce you to Shanderal, a Salcariton being with a more feminine energy. She is responsible for overseeing the Salcaritons’ elemental realms, which are akin to our natural dimensions. Shanderal now guides other Salcaritons in assisting Mother Earth’s healing program. As nature and its creatures perish, their energy is absorbed back into Mother Earth. The Salcaritons oversee this process with other celestial beings and ensure that the ethereal essence is returned to its source with great love, as all living things possess feelings.

Many of Earth’s animals’ ethereal essence returns to the Salcaritons’ elemental realms, while their soul base ascends to their higher self. The image of family pets frolicking in a field of green over the rainbow bridge is derived from this realm.

At the helm of these highly ascended beings is Ultorium, the highest-ranking among them. He provides protection and healing light, leading the way with his all-knowing power and wisdom. Ultorium serves as an inspiration to all Salcaritons, having evolved over many millennia. He is not meant to walk among humanity, but rather to sit in the great power of the universal quantum source, akin to what you may understand as the god energy.

I trust that my introduction to these remarkable beings will inspire you, as they have profoundly influenced my life in a positive manner.