The Pleiadians originate from a star cluster in the universe known as the Seven Sisters, which consists of seven light stars. They currently inhabit six planets within this cluster, with their home planet being Vercara, as translated by Earthlings. As the Pleiadians advanced, their technology improved, allowing them to travel through the constellations known on Earth as the Seven Sisters.
The Pleiadians have evolved into various ascension levels, transitioning from physical beings to multidimensional ethereal light beings. There is a diversity in gene types and consciousness levels among them. They are described as beautiful, slim humanoid beings with fine features, often sporting long, straight, silver-blond hair and pale, translucent white skin. These highly intelligent and compassionate beings possess a great sense of humor.
While the appearance of Pleiadians can vary, much like the diversity seen in modern Earth populations, they primarily communicate through telepathic connections and the universal light language frequency. This universal language was created to facilitate communication among highly ascended universal celestial beings. Some Earth light workers in a trance state have been gifted with the ability to communicate with these ascended beings using light language Earth frequencies.
Three out of the six planets in the Pleiadian system are inhabited by ascended Pleiadian physical humanoid beings existing in the fifth to ninth dimension frequencies. The remaining three planets serve as gathering places for their race, with one specifically designated as a healing planet. These beings are governed by a supreme Light Council comprised of twelve Pleiadian individuals who are responsible for overseeing their planets, culture, and laws.
One of the planets in the seven stars collective is known as Argrian, which translates to ‘Green Jewel’. It is a unique planet, characterized by its liquid surface, abundant plant life, and a population of highly evolved humanoid beings. The cities on Argrian are breathtaking, with vast green recreational areas and liquid oceans, creating an idyllic utopia among the stars.
Another fascinating planet is Equezial, known for its healing properties. While the planet may appear barren like Earth’s deserts, it is home to incredible lay line energy fields where healing pyramid centers have been constructed. These pyramid buildings serve as hubs for healing and communication with other Pleiadians and ascended beings from different worlds.
On Equezial, the Pleiadians have the privilege of working alongside a peaceful race of beings known as the Hikiconyti. These beings, who have sought refuge from their war-torn solar system, now oversee the network of pyramids and buildings on the healing planet. The Hikiconyti are tall, thin, and grey in color, with graceful movements and faces that radiate kindness to all they encounter. Equezial has become a renowned destination throughout the universe for healing and studying the unique energies present on the planet. It is a place where beings from different worlds come together to learn, grow, and experience the power of healing in a peaceful and harmonious environment.
The Pleiadians, a peaceful race, have not always been so harmonious. Long ago, a faction of their species disagreed with decisions made by the majority and the twelve Pleiadian overseers.
One notable example is their involvement with Earth. The Pleiadians had been observing our planet for an extended period and had initiated an incarnation program, sending selected individuals to live among us and impart spiritual teachings. They focused on ancient tribes such as the Native American Indians, Navajo, Dakota, the Aborigines of Australia, and indigenous peoples of the Amazon. Their goal was to teach these tribes how to connect spiritually with Mother Earth and establish a foundation for humanity’s future survival. Once their mission was accomplished, they departed Earth in physical form. The influence of their teachings can be seen in various ancient cultures, including Japan, China, Greek mythology, Norse, Celtic, and Bronze Age civilizations, all of which reference the Pleiades star system in their ancient teachings.
However, not all Pleiadians supported the idea of helping other planets, influencing DNA, and interbreeding, particularly with Earth. This disagreement led to civil and interstellar conflicts among their kind. Eventually, the forces of light prevailed over darkness, and the Pleiadians learned from this dark period in their history to coexist peacefully. They came to understand that all actions taken by Pleiadians are for the greater good of all, rather than for selfish motives.
In the current era of Earth’s history, they exist as on Earth as physical beings and incarnated souls and guides. They’re purpose is to aid Earth by supporting humanity in their spiritual transformation journey towards a higher state of consciousness, where harm to others and our planet, Mother Earth, is eliminated. They are patiently awaiting humanity’s ascension to the fifth-dimensional energy frequency before revealing our physical presence on Earth once more.
They’re Mission with Earth
They are members of a large alliance team from the Pleiadian race that supports Earth and are also part of the lead team known as the Architects, a diverse group of species. Their primary role is to oversee and plan how to collaborate with humanity for the highest and best outcome for Mother Earth, drawing on resources available from the Intergalactic Council.
Throughout Earth’s history, they have worked to bring highly ascended beings – ascended masters who embody a high love vibration as incarnated souls on Earth, known as Avatar souls. These ancient ethereal beings include founders or supporters of major world religions like Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, and Mother Teresa. They can also be individuals who radiate positivity and help others in everyday life. If you’ve encountered someone who uplifts and supports you, you may have met an Avatar soul. An Avatar human is not born to boast about their greatness, but to inspire hope that humanity can reach the same level of consciousness they have achieved.
These highly ascended beings, the Avatar souls, have been catalysts for change in humanity over many centuries, offering their services repeatedly to Earth. They reincarnate when necessary to facilitate the shift from a fear-based, three-dimensional energy matrix to a world vibrating at a fifth-dimensional frequency of unconditional love.
In this present quantum era of Earth’s history, these enlightened beings exist among us as physical entities and incarnated higher self souls and guides. Their primary objective is to assist Earth by assisting humanity in their spiritual evolution towards a heightened level of awareness, where all forms of harm to others and our beloved planet Mother Earth, are eradicated. They are patiently anticipating humanity’s ascension to the fifth-dimensional energy frequency before making their physical presence known on Earth once again.