There are many celestial beings that play a vital role in overseeing Earth, collectively known as the Architects. I am currently in the process of creating a series of blog posts to introduce these captivating celestial beings to you. The beings I will be introducing are frequently involved in trance and channelling communication as our guides.
The Andromedan beings hail from the Andromeda Galaxy, also known on Earth as the Andromeda Nebula, located approximately 2.5 million light years away. This galaxy is the closest major galaxy to our own Milky Way, often considered a sister galaxy.
The beings from the Andromeda galaxy are referred to as Sycalliens by other celestial species, originating from their home planet Sycallien. Their planet is a unique blend of land and water, with a sky that reflects hues of pink and lilac, while the clouds mirror these colours. What sets their planet apart is the unusual behaviour of their gravity, with clouds moving in opposite directions in the upper and lower atmospheres simultaneously. This defies conventional understanding of how a planet’s gravity and atmosphere should function.
During the evening, their clear sky reveals a nearby planet, small moons, and a large star portal known as a stargate. While there are other beings from the Andromeda galaxy, the focus will be on the Sycalliens, as they are one of the few with an alliance with Earth at this time.
Their planet is a breathtaking sight, boasting a smooth terrain and gentle rolling hills. The plant life is a vibrant display of colours – purples, lilacs, yellows, oranges, and shades beyond our visible spectrum, creating a striking countryside. The structures for living and industry are all single-level, reminiscent of Earth’s honeycombs. Small ocean areas and large lakes dot the landscape, adding to the planet’s beauty.
Clean energy is harnessed from their star and the surrounding universe, powering their society. A High Serene Council, comprised of members from all walks of life, guides decision-making with a collective consciousness. The inhabitants prioritize healing their planet and themselves, tapping into the universal source energy.
A unique crystalline mineral on their planet serves as the foundation for computer intelligence and healing energy. Advanced technology enables them to explore the far reaches of space, housed on a space station orbiting a moon that circles their planet. Sky highways connect various regions, with vehicles seamlessly transporting them within their solar system.
The Sycallien Andromedans are exquisite, compassionate beings that reside in the higher dimensions of understanding as physical beings capable of adapting to a multidimensional transitional way of existence. Their physical form has evolved into what we would recognize as humanoid. They possess larger heads with elegant bone structures and long, slim, graceful bodies. Their skin tone is a translucent pale lilac blue with soft feathered markings. When connecting with new beings, they often maintain their physical form to help others feel at ease and facilitate communication.
The Sycallien beings are incredibly intelligent, which has led to the development of highly advanced technology. Through their Intergalactic Council, they are willing to share this technology with those who will use it responsibly throughout the universe. They eagerly anticipate the opportunity to share their knowledge and technology with Earth humans when humanity is prepared to receive it.
For centuries, they had been benevolent observers of Earth, but their formal alliance with our planet began during the time of the Atlantis experiments. Serving as a steadfast influence for the Architects of Earth, they provided guidance and support. Approximately eighty years ago, they made the decision to actively participate in the incarnation program, bringing their star seed energy to assist in the evolution of humanity.
Many of these beings, known as the star Sycallien Andromedans, chose to incarnate as children of Earth with a specific mission of healing. As these individuals matured, they would find themselves drawn to occupations in the medical, caring, or holistic fields, using their unique abilities to bring healing and transformation to the planet. Their presence on Earth serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all beings and the importance of working together for the greater good.
Through their connection with humanity via the incarnation program for Earth and as guides, they have played a crucial role in bringing forth new knowledge. This includes revolutionary energy concepts such as solar power, waterpower, and wind turbines. One individual I would like to highlight in this realm is the human male Nikola Tesla, who lived from 1856 to 1943. Tesla’s earthly mission was that of an inventor of futuristic technology. His primary goal was to develop a source of inexhaustible, clean energy that would be accessible to all. He vehemently opposed centralized coal-fired power plants that emitted harmful carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, endangering both humans and nature.
Tesla was aware of the presence of “fluid electrical charges” beneath the Earth’s surface, which, when harnessed through a series of controlled electrical discharges at specific intervals, could generate an unlimited power supply by producing powerful low-frequency electrical waves. One of Tesla’s most remarkable experiments during his time on Earth involved the transmission of electrical power over long distances without the need for wires or cables, a groundbreaking achievement that initially confounded scientists.
Unfortunately, those who recognised the potential of Tesla’s innovative solutions to combat Earth’s pollution were overshadowed by the immense wealth generated by the fossil fuel, oil, and nuclear power industries. These industries prioritised materialistic gains over environmental preservation. In the present day, scientists have successfully developed clean energy alternatives, but governments have been hesitant to adopt them due to concerns about the potential economic repercussions.
However, as humanity approaches the year 2030, the looming threat of fuel depletion will force world governments to reconsider their stance on clean energy. The impending scarcity of resources will place immense pressure on global economies, compelling policymakers to prioritise sustainable energy solutions for the betterment of our planet.
The Sycallien Andromedans are renowned for their exceptional negotiating abilities, often sought after for diplomatic meetings with new beings seeking to join the Intergalactic Council. They were integral members of the negotiating team that worked with the Anunnaki, (See blog on Anunnaki). Their adept negotiating skills is characterised by their openness and willingness to understand and address the concerns of all beings and races involved. Any agreements facilitated by the Sycalliens during these proceedings are always in the best interest of all parties involved, ensuring that no one leaves feeling disappointed or neglected by the Council.
How are the Sycallien contributing to Earth during the awakening Quantum era.
Currently, the Architects are working on a plan to bring light energy to Earth in order to strengthen the connection with the universal Quantum domains source. This will ensure that as humanity ascends, they remain grounded with Mother Earth, allowing their frequency and vibration to grow with ascension. It is crucial that every action taken on Earth resonates back to the quantum love source, as it is essential for the success of this awakening period on Earth.
The Sycalliens are playing a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of Earth’s dimensional light energy. Their mission involves channelling positive energy from various cosmic sources to usher in a new frequency on Earth, amplifying the positive vibrations generated by awakening humans. In addition, they are collaborating with the other Architects to deliver encoded energy downloads of spiritual wisdom to select Earth leaders. These knowledge light codes are designed to unlock ancient healing wisdom stored within their human DNA, as well as to activate dormant knowledge that will enrich their holistic practices and teachings.
An intriguing example of the power of sound healing can be found in the work of Debbi Walker, a human Earth female who operates Suara Sound Healing. Debbi is considered an avatar soul, placed on Earth with the purpose of bringing the transformative benefits of sound healing to humanity. Her connection with the Pleiadians and Andromedan beings showcases a collaborative effort to bring positive change to our planet.
Debbi’s story is not only inspiring but also serves as a beacon of hope for the future of healing practices on Earth. By exploring her work and connecting with her, individuals can tap into the healing potential that sound therapy offers. This type of healing is the way forward for humanity, as it has the power to raise the frequency of peace and unity on Earth.
The mission of the Architects is to bring forth authentic truths that will ultimately foster unity among all of humanity.
- The Sycalliens are actively assisting humanity by imparting spiritual awareness from their higher selves through the incarnated soul level. This enlightens humans about the impact of their consumption on their energy levels and teaches them to maintain a high-frequency energy for ascension. Below are the key influences they are striving to bring to humanity to aid in the process of ascension.
- Promoting organic farming of vegetables and fruits in both home and community spaces is crucial for sustainable living.
- Understanding the impact of Earth’s toxins on the human body is important for overall well-being.
- Holistic healing methods, including the use of nature’s plants, harmonic sound, colour vibration, and light healing, can aid in physical and mental health.
- Incorporating meditation into daily routines can promote peace of mind and support the body’s healing process.
- Encouraging community living with respect for all individuals and their unique contributions fosters unity.
- Supporting the elderly and disabled within communities instead of isolating them is a sign of a compassionate society.
- Nurturing children in all aspects of life, including spiritual growth, is essential for their development.
- Empowering earths children to reach their full potential and understand their spiritual life mission is key to creating a positive future.
- Fostering a world where kindness, compassion, and unconditional love can flourish is the ultimate goal for humanity.
Under the guidance of the Andromedan Galaxy Light Council, the Sycalliens are reaching out to other celestial beings from their galaxy who have collaborated with Earth throughout history for assistance in their mission. Much like the Pleiadians, the Sycalliens have formed strong connections with certain ancient American Indian tribes, sharing profound spiritual insights and wisdom. Since the energetic shift in 2012, there has been a resurgence in ancient spiritual practices among these indigenous tribes, thanks to the influence of the Sycalliens. Through trance, meditation, and channelling, the Sycalliens are communicating messages of guidance to their Earthling counterparts. Their ultimate goal is to establish a presence on Earth in the coming years, as the planet’s vibrational frequency continues to rise.
The Sycalliens envision a future where they can coexist with humanity in a harmonious off-world environment, facilitated by the Andromedans’ advanced technology. These unison biospheres serve as meeting grounds for beings from diverse origins, accommodating their unique needs and environments. While this concept may be difficult to grasp, rest assured that it is a reality beyond our current understanding.
Trust that one day, Earth’s inhabitants will witness the convergence of different species in a shared space, transcending the limitations of our present reality.