Our celestial guides are advanced celestial beings who exist in multiple layers of dimensional energy as physical or light-conscious beings.
A physical multi-transitional being exists in the fifth to ninth dimensional high energies of the universe. They are telepathic and can transition mentally and physically into different forms to travel the universe and communicate with other beings. They can use their telepathic connection to travel through energy streams, known as portals, to reach their desired destinations or physical spaceships. Most highly ascended celestial physical beings live on a physical planet as a collective of beings in unity and light. Their science and technology are so advanced that most if it is beyond human understanding.
The concept of a light conscious celestial being is a fascinating one, as it exists in a multifaceted form in the tenth to twelfth dimensions. These celestial beings possess the ability to create a physical presence that you can comprehend, as well as communicate telepathically and transition mentally and physically into various forms to travel the universe and interact with other celestial beings. They exist in different realms, dimensional energies, and collectives, making them truly unique and versatile.
These various forms of celestial beings have been guides of Earth humans for over three hundred thousand years, guiding humanity through its various stages of earth experiments, physical human development and evolution. Every human on Earth has guides, with an estimated 8.2 billion people on Earth at the time of writing this, on average, each of human has 4 -7 active guides at a time throughout our lives. The total number of celestial beings working with Earth is a sum that I will let you calculate.
This guidance is overseen and managed by the Inter-Galactic and Light Councils of the Milky way Galaxy and planets. They carefully break this guidance down into manageable sections, providing us for our understanding knowledge of soul groups – which are made up of groups of highly ascended celestial beings that have incarnated and are linked by their past connections and mission for Earth. The soul group consists of a manageable number of humans and celestial beings working together for the greater good of Mother Earth and humanity.
Your Gatekeeper guide and higher self work closely together, interacting with the overseers of your soul group. These overseers then report back to the planets Councils, who in turn report to the Architects of Earth’s ascension journey.
As I have said, in the year 2024, humans inhabit the three-dimensional realm on Earth, with an estimated population of 8.2 billion. However, many are unaware of the profound interactions that have occurred between civilisations and celestial beings throughout Earth’s history. Over centuries, there have been periods where civilisations collaborated with celestial beings in physical form,
As we stand on the brink of a new Quantum Era, our celestial friends are beginning to rekindle their connection with humanity. One method through which this re-connection is taking place is through Light worker Channelers. These individuals serve as conduits for the wisdom and guidance of celestial beings, helping to bridge the gap between our 3D world and the higher realms.
Through the work of these channelers, humanity is being offered the opportunity to tap into ancient knowledge and spiritual insights that can guide us towards a more enlightened future. As we embrace this new era of quantum consciousness, we open ourselves up to a world of infinite possibilities and higher vibrations. The time has come for us to awaken to the presence of our celestial friends and embrace the wisdom they have to offer.
The experiences of developing light worker channelers can vary greatly, from vivid visual encounters with celestial guides to simply feeling an unexplainable energy presence. Through years of personal development and guiding others in their own spiritual journeys, I have observed a range of experiences.
One basic exercise that I frequently employ involves asking the student to sit with their eyes closed, focusing on their own body’s energy. They are then encouraged to invite their guide into their ethereal energy space to establish a energy connection. The student is asked to pay attention to any sensations or feelings that arise during this process. Finally, we ask the guide to step back, allowing the student to reflect on the experience.
Here is a list of observations:
Nothing is sensed.
A feeling someone was with them
A knowing of something different
Clairvoyantly see a guide – light, shape or a physical form
See colour(s)
Feel hot or cold
Cobweb sensation on skin
Frequency pitch noise in ears
Hear their guides thoughts
Tightness around the head
Quickness of breath
Spaced out
Note – frequently, some of these observations are intertwined with each other.
When you perceive a guide clairvoyantly or with the naked eye, they will manifest in a manner that aligns with your current stage of development. Often at a time they have experienced an earthly incarnation, such as a Native American, nun, or professor. It is important to remember that your guides can be either physical or light multidimensional transitional beings, and they will only reveal their true form when they believe you are prepared to receive it. If they have not previously existed in physical form on Earth, they will choose a physical image that resonates with you and your unique personality.
Throughout my own personal journey, I have encountered a variety of unique and enlightening experiences. One particular example that stands out is my encounter with a Salcariton guide who named himself John. It was during a leisurely dog walk over Six years ago when John approached me, presenting himself as a eccentric university professor. Little did I know, he was about to become a pivotal figure in my spiritual development.
John presented himself as a human being who had lived on Earth from 1900 to 1957, possessing a wealth of knowledge and energy that resonated with me on a deep level. As I continued to walk alongside him on my spiritual path, he gradually transitioned from a mere acquaintance to a trusted mentor in the realms of earthly wisdom and trance guidance. It wasn’t until later that I discovered his true identity as a light being from the Salcariton collective.
As I delved deeper into my spiritual journey and channeled writing, John eventually revealed his true nature during a trance session. He assured me that from that moment on, I would no longer see him as the eccentric professor, but rather as a comforting presence guiding me from his realm. Recently, another member of his celestial race joined me, introducing herself as Mary. They often use common Earth names to provide comfort and establish a connection with humans. If a celestial being can translate their given name into our language phonetics, they will share it with us. For example, one of my Pleiadean guides is named Kasheaerial, which is not a Earth human name.
It requires a great deal of effort and energy for our guides to communicate with us through signs and telepathic mind images and words. Patience is also necessary as we often block these messages due to lack of trust and fear. My own journey began with meditation, dreams, and clairvoyance. Through dedication I am now able to perceive them with my human eye as a white shadowy figure, sometimes with a discernible face or features of who they truly are.
As we strive to ascend into higher dimensions of energy, the human brain undergoes changes that allow us to break down the barriers between dimensions, enabling us to connect with our celestial and elemental friends. They communicate with us through light, colour, and harmonic sounds. When a student remarks, “But I only see a colour,” it indicates a high level of attunement, as that is part of the energy through which the guides manifest.
Each person’s relationship with their guides is unique, and not everyone will see or sense their presence. However, it is important to trust that they are always with us on our spiritual journey, even if we do not receive tangible signs. Many individuals have expressed a desire to experience what I have, and my personal journey has equipped me with the knowledge to teach others about guides, energies, dimensions, and the universal quantum force.
Remember, our celestial guides leave us signs and synchronicities every day as evidence of their presence. This is how billions of humans could connect with them. It is crucial to work on recognising and interpreting these signs and messages, which can manifest through various mediums such as dreams, art, music, writing, films, social media, feathers, coins, cloud formations, and so much more. In our 3D existence, we must work on our own minds and bodies to raise our celestial energies. Positive attitudes, meditation, soul connection, and understanding energy levels will help you build a strong relationship with your celestial guide team. Dedication is key, and if you commit to this spiritual journey of connection, the possibilities are endless.