The trance I am here to discuss is a spiritual and celestial channeling energy that allows our celestial guides to communicate through us. Trance is a natural state for Earth humans and has been a part of humanity since our arrival on this planet. It is important to remember that we are a telepathic race, and trance development is a crucial step in our evolution towards more advanced forms of telepathic communication here on Earth.
This powerful telepathic energy connection is used to bring forth celestial messages in the form of guidance, great wisdom or proof of life after death and other celestial life. The celestial communication is pure energy and brings wonderful knowledge often not known on our Earth. Remember all knowledge comes from the universal quantum domain creative intelligence source, or sometimes known as the ’Universal knowledge pot’.
Human trance communicators have the ability to connect with the human essence of loved ones who have passed on and deliver healing messages to the recipient. There are two methods that trance communicators use to connect with the celestial energies. The first method involves the trance communicator connecting directly to the human essence energy of the past over loved one. This allows the human essence words to speak through the trance communicator, and the trance communicator may even take on some of the human essences mannerisms and speak in a way that they did in life. The trance communicator may also be overshadowed by the connecting energy and even look like the loved one did in life. This method requires a lot of physical energy for the trance communicator to achieve and sustain long connections.
The second method is known as the third-party method. In this method, the trance communicator works with a chosen trance guide who links with the loved ones in the celestial realms. The trance guide then relays the messages using the trance communicator’s voice. During this method, you may see the guide overshadowing the trance communicator’s face, and sometimes even the loved one as they draw near.
Advanced trance communicators possess a unique ability to communicate with the celestial realms and provide powerful messages and evidence from the human essence. However, the level of belief in life after death may vary with the audience depending on which option they experienced. In the first example, the human recipient may feel the energy of their loved one in the room and even see them overshadowing the communicator, leading to a stronger belief in the afterlife and what they are experiencing is real.
I have had the opportunity to experience the two different methods of connecting with loved ones who have passed on, and I share these experiences in my book ‘The Art of Trance’.
I have had the opportunity to experience the two different methods of connecting with loved ones who have passed on, and I share these experiences in my book ‘The Art of Trance’.
My book is in paper back on Amazon or in paper back and audio in my Etsy shop Bengalrose Healing