Trance – channeling of knowledge

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Channeling, in simple terms, is the process through which a earth human serves as a conduit for messages and information from deceased human individuals (human essence) and celestial beings your guides. It is key to understand the ten levels of channeling that our guides utilise to assist humanity, aiming to enhance your comprehension. You can find these in the blog Telepathic channeling energy levels explained for spiritual development and trance connection

The channeling energies at various levels, leads to confusion among spiritual workers and leaders of knowledge. In this blog, I am focusing on the channeling of celestial knowledge for books to aid in humanity’s evolution.

Channeling knowledge energy involves a calming positive conscious trance state of being energy that gradually strengthens over time. This unique and special energy is specifically crafted for the chosen guides and trance communicators to develop within the chosen human’s energy field. A selected celestial guide will slowly cultivate this channeling energy with the chosen human. This gradual process is essential to establish a strong telepathic communication link in a conscious state, which will eventually flow effortlessly like a conversation between two individuals. If this process is rushed or not executed correctly, the human mind will struggle to handle the sudden influx of high energy and will reject the channeling process.

Here I will share with you my own experience with this process.

My journey into trance channeling began after I had honed my skills as a Reiki healer and light worker channeler. The first time I witnessed trance was during my early days of development. I was completely unfamiliar with the concept until I saw a woman in a development circle enter a trance state and allow her guide to speak through her voice. Initially, I was filled with fear and confusion, but that quickly turned into excitement as I delved deeper into this fascinating practice. In March 2015, a couple of years after my initial exposure to trance, I attended my first workshop for beginners.

During the beginning of the workshop, the leader provided an introduction to trance and guided us through a meditation session. The purpose of the meditation was to help us relax our energy and connect with our celestial guides. As we closed our eyes and listened to the low soothing music, I began to feel tingling sensations on my skin. In my mind’s eye, I saw my arm transform into a man’s arm covered in a thin hessian material.

A voice then spoke to me, introducing itself as Harold, my Gatekeeper. Harold revealed that he had been a monk in medieval times. I envisioned an old building filled with monks diligently working on creating beautiful manuscripts. Harold explained that he assisted in creating these manuscripts and contributed to the philosophical aspects of their content. In his hand, I saw a white writing feather, symbolising my future as a writer. With a message that I would one day soon write a book, Harold then stood back from my energies, leaving me with a sense of wonder and inspiration.

After completing our meditation session, we each shared our individual experiences. The other students spoke of feeling sensations such as warmth, cold tingling, and the presence of their guides. None of them had a visualisation that I had experienced. I felt hesitant about appearing egotistical or foolish, I chose to only mention the tingling sensation I had felt. Now I realise the importance of openly sharing our trance experiences, as it not only benefits the circle leader of what we are experiencing but also the celestial guides of the trance circle.

Over the course of the next six months, I received three messages that inspired me to write my first book. The first message came from a light worker channeler at a fair, the second from a lady in my development circle, and the third from the leader of knowledge who had conducted the beginners trance workshop. She visited our development group one evening to guide us, and upon seeing me, she exclaimed, “Sharon, you hold a white writing feather in your hand and must write that book.”

Reflecting on this now, I can’t help but chuckle at how my guides had to make four attempts to help me see the light, as I was still doubting the journey. It is true that self doubt and lack of trust can hinder our progress on the spiritual path.

The persistent nature of the last message compelled me to finally pay attention. As a graphic designer who spent countless hours at my computer, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Harold, a presence I sensed around me, had something to communicate. In an act of defiance, I opened a blank document on a word processing program and challenged the unknown force by asking, “What is this book called?”

What I failed to mention earlier is that I had long believed myself to be severely dyslexic, convinced that I could never write a book. Diagnosed at the age of nine as severely dyslexic and number blind, I had allowed this label to define me for far too long. But as I posed the question about the book’s title, a voice responded with a single word: “Utopia.” Unfamiliar with the spelling, I turned to the world web for assistance.

After typing in the word, I inquired about what to do next. Harold instructed me to write my full name at the bottom of the page. Eager for more guidance, I asked, “What now?” His response was simple: “Wait, and we will provide you with the content.”

The knowledge started to come in various forms:

  • I was encouraged to watch informative television programs, so I made sure to have a notebook handy whenever I sat down to watch.
  • I was inspired to read certain books and do research on the world web.
  • I was asked to gather others spiritual experiences plus my own.
  • While I was out walking my male dog Boyd, my celestial guides would often communicate with me, but I found it difficult to remember everything they said once I returned home. My husband had the brilliant idea of recording their channeled messages verbally on my phone, which I did and then transcribed later by hand or to my computer.
  • I would read what I was placing in the book and my celestial guides would inspire my mind to amend it.

After nine months of diligently following the guidance of my celestial guides, they finally revealed that the book was complete and ready for editing. They recommended an old friend who worked as a copywriter in marketing to assist with this task. I instructed her to focus on enhancing the grammar and structure of the sentences while preserving the essence of the book.

Despite the celestial guides’ efforts to channel a more refined version of the English language, my own thoughts and dyslexic writing style still left an imprint on the final product. In the early stages of channeling their words for books, it was challenging for them to telepathically guide me with their words. Any celestial communication had to be delivered in short bursts to prevent my brain from becoming overwhelmed.

However, as the process continued and I completed not just one book, but 16 books, my telepathic connection strengthened significantly. Gone are the days of piles of notes and transcribing recordings. Now, it is a seamless process of translating my celestial guides thoughts directly from my mind to the keyboard.

If your path is a channeler of words then be patient and time will build you an amazing connection with your celestial guide team.

My book ‘The Art of Trance’ is in paper back on Amazon or in paper back and audio in my Etsy shop Bengalrose Healing